I love sewing, quilting, crafting, and decorating for the holidays! And yes, I even put up and decorate a "Peace, Prayers, and Blessings" Thanksgiving tree and one of my prayer flag garlands on our railings.
I decorate inside and Mother Nature outside.
The air is crisp, cold, and freshly fallen leaves and bright colors are in abundance!
My peace lilies both bloomed. Two of my Thanksgiving cacti are filled with blossoms!
I love it and as busy and crazy as I often feel and truly I,
it's still a "wonderful time of the year!"
And then, a few fun crafts for me and more my grandkids.
Ordering sale
fleece and voila! new fleece blankets for blanket forts, storytime, and
And sewing and quilting!
As hard as our challenges may be, there's always room for gratitude and blessings still abound -- each and every day.
This blog post took 3 hours to create on a phone using its cellular signal of a bar and a half.
But I did it! And by tomorrow my typos should all be corrected! Maybe. I need wiggle room.
I even managed to design and make a new wreath with more sustainable decor this year.
Everything on it except for the bird's nest has been is use somehow/ somewhere and is reused over and over for decades!
I add natural touches from the yard as I go. So, Christmas greenery from our trees or holly bush etc.
One of my many things that bring me to my happy place of blessings. I needed one that was suitable for all seasons. In the spring birds will be added but now its acorns and filberts on the little nest.

Cooking, cleaning, decorating, sewing, quilting, and crafting through Thanksgiving,
Christmas, more family birthdays in December, my husband's upcoming second hip replacement surgery (and weeks for me as his primary caregiver) the continued progress towards healing times from advanced, aggressive cancer for my daughter.
She has been a valiant warrior through an intense and often brutal combintion 4 chemo and 4 buffer the side effects IV drugs (currently 18 weeks and counting process) with more to come in 2020.
Each and every single day no matter how sick we are or how much we hurt is another day with loved ones. Count your blessings not your litany of ailments and trust me, I know how hard that is to do!
Do what you can when you can and rest as you can. It's all about balance!!!
Through all of this I took in another stray. The story of my life since early on.
Bringing in, loving and caring for others. He hasn't quite been transformed into either a quilting or healing cat and now I have to look out for the old muddy paws in the house and tracking footprints on our hearts.
After eating from my feral and stray animals venue he decided we seemed like a nice place to settle down and waltzed into our house, up on the dining (gasp) quilted table runner in October and moved right on in! Welcome, Jasper for joining the Bilyeu menagerie!
There's a quilted table runner under all that fluff somewhere!
As there are quilts incorporated into the decorating everywhere in my house!
Or vice versa, right Kermit? He's not too keen on the cat kibble competition but tolerates him.
Life is good, life is challenging, and life is very, very busy.
Please continue praying for my beloved daughter, Terin. She is recuperating from her eighteent week of chemo, but has much more ahead. Your thoughts, prayers, and to those of you in this quilting community who have donated to her go fund me campaign, you are so appreciated and loved.
I blog completley on my cell phone no house wifi at all. Forgive typos, miss-corrects and posts that change constantly over a week of finishing each new addition complete with links and projects from multitudes of past posts!
Newest Fidget Quilt Ideas (shown below) Yet to be added in!
Here's some my wonderful quilt and blanket making ladies.that make or deliver them!
Many thanks to the amazing Paula Hill charitable quilter extraordinaire! (hiding far right)
Thanks to all of you who give of yourselves, your time to community giving.
Michele Bilyeu Creates With Heart and Hands
My Free Sewing, Quilting and Crafting Patterns, Tutorials and Links

Free Bag Tutorials: Wallets, Purses, Cases, Boxes, and Handbag Patterns
Free Apron Patterns including Nursing Cover-ups, Men's Barbeque Aprons, etc.

Making Alaskan Kuspuks

Making Adult Bibs
What Type of Quilter Are You?
My Own Free Projects, Tutorials and Links
* My own tutorials with photos

"I hear Thanksgiving is coming late this year. Did she buy a turkey yet or should we be worried?"
Michele Bilyeu Creates
With Heart and Hands as she shares her imaginative, magical, and healing journey from Alaska to Oregon. Creating, designing, sewing, quilting, and wildcrafting... from my heart and with my hands.
Oh, my goodness...you are a powerhouse of a good heart xo
Hi Michele. Thanks for stopping by my blog page. I've been MIA from blogging for quite awhile. Such beautiful things you make. I will keep your daughter in my prayers and you as well.
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