Oh, it's hard to lose a pet..even when that pet is a chicken!
I loved my sweet Sophie! As the Alpha female, she was usually the first one out of the coop in the morning, and the first one to lead the others back into the coop at night.
We only had Sophie for three years. But she was strong, and independent and attentive, and would follow me around the yard with Penelope and Matilda following her. And so, of course, I loved her...just as I do all of our pets. They are part of our family even if they live in their own little chicken house and not inside with us!
I was so sad when she died and I do miss her. And of course, it's not quite as hard as loosing a pet you are closer to than a chicken..but you wouldn't believe how much fun chickens can actually be and how attached you can get to their silly quirkiness. So, if you've every lost a small pet and felt an attachment to them, you have to know that I'm whispering 'Goodbye, sweet Sophie and thank you for all of the lovely cream colored eggs and your funny ways!"
Sophie would stand up on our back deck apple crates and peer into the living room, she would knock with her beak on the patio door, and she was always the first one to come a runnin' when I cooked spaghetti noodles just for her!
When my husband gave me my
prayer flag arbor arch that he'd made me for this last Mother's Day, Sophie was the first of all of the chickens to cross under it. She stopped in her tracks ...right in front of it....for at least ten minutes, just chicken thinking about life, perhaps..or maybe she even had a chicken glimmer of knowing she was ill, and would soon be going over the
Rainbow Bridge,!
Now some people think chickens are stupid..and they say that ALL the time. Heck, I've been known to say it when it would start raining, and they all gathered on the deck on the apple crate instead of heading for their dry coop. But then again, I wouldn't go into a dark chicken coop just because it was raining, either. So, maybe they're not stupid..just optimists that the sun will come out tomorrow..and maybe even in just a few more minutes! After all, that's how we make rainbows!
So, sweet Sophie..as you travel
Across the Rainbow Bridge just remember we thought you were something special, you were part of our little pet family and we miss you!
Loved you, sweet Sophie..even if you were just a chicken!
For my other dear ones:
Prayer Pocket Pillows and
Praying for a Miracle
Michele Bilyeu blogs
With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska. Sharing thousands of links to
Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the
Liberated Quilting Challenge and make or donate small art quilts to the
Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!
A lovely tribute to Sofie. My husband wasn't raised on a farm, but on 5 acres adjoining his grandpa's 5 acres so it was a good amount of land. He raised chickens..not sure he loved them..but he did have a pet pig..Genevive. We have pics of him laying between the pig and his Collie named Tuffy.
No matter what the critter is, they are a pet when you think of them in that special way and can see the personality that even a chicken has.
I wonder who the Alpha will be now.
xx, Carol
a loss is a loss no matter how large or small! hugs!
xoxo melzie
I do know the empty spot inside (and out)... sending you hugs of love on angels' and fairies' wings...
Animals do have unique personalities. Sophie is probably carrying on her antics for all to enjoy.
Sophie will always have a special place in your heart,she sounds like she was quite a chicken.
Awww, I'm so sorry for your loss. Everything we give a piece of our hearts to in this world leaves a hole behind when it has to leaves us.
Compliments of my neighbor, there are broods of chickens round back. Clucking, pecking, being goofy in general.
As the population changes, so do the dynamics. Chicks hatch, sit under large bamboo baskets, wait till they can cause small commotions. And they do, like pooping on the veranda. I always laugh when I discover the souvenirs of their visits, as I am reminded of the causal effects of all our actions. And when the roosters crow, they provoke the worthy arousal to "Wake Up!".
So to Sophie: May you have a good rebirth! You have taught us how to love.
Awww that is so sad - so very sorry to hear this sad news....
I agree - it doesn't matter what pet you have they are still part of your family and you love them all the same - which means when they go you miss them and they leave a huge hole in your heart and life! But there is always the memories that they leave behind and the knowledge that we will see them again on the other side :o)
Your tribute to Sophie was lovely. She certainly had a great life (albeit a short one) and was loved :o)
Lovely and perfect. Connection across the miles :)
That is it! We have to notice and we have to remember and that's why I wrote the piece. No one....even a chicken...should go unremembered or unthanked ! I smile with it all even now that I get it enough to write an ode to a chicken.
What a lovely memorial post; my thoughts are with you.
A wonderful memorial post for Sophie! Thanks for sharing.
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