Nov 20, 2011

Disable New Light Box Photo Feature

If you have noticed, and hated, the new blog Light Box...where instead of opening and enlarging a photo, you suddenly see a center box photo with little other photos down below from the can disable it and revert back to your previous photo viewing.

Here are the instructions for disabling that photo feature and returning things back to the old version. (and thanks to everyone who has previously mentioned this and reminded me I should mention it too!)

1. Log into your blog via your Dashboard

2. Click on Settings

3. Select the Formatting tab

4. Scroll down and look for 'Showcase Images with Lightbox'

5. Select "NO"

6. Save settings

**At someone else's blog and don't like their Light Box view of a photo they've posted? Right click with your mouse and then click on 'view image' and you can still view a pop up original photo window. A few more steps..but at least you may be happier taking a closer look ;)

Want to link to this tute in a post of your own? Fee free to cut and paste my hyperlink: Disable New Light Box Photo Feature

I go back and forth between not liking how others photos fail to enlarge as much, but liking how I can see all of the photos in their post in one viewing. So, I may switch back and forth on my own blog ..who knows?

For now, I'm just dealing with the use of my backup laptop and limited photos to use in my posts and a hyper active mouse that sends mail whenever he feels like it. I say 'he' since he has a mind of his own and doesn't want to do anything that I want him to do ;) Ha!


Lynne said...

Ooo, thanks for that; I hadn't realised this was a new, "improved" feature on Blogger!

Paula, the quilter said...

I found it under "Posts and Comments". But as I was browsing around it made several other changes. Thanks for the heads-up.

West Michigan Quilter said...

Thanks for the heads up. I do not like that new feature and was glad to know how to disable it.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Thanks for the info. I never can keep up with all the changes in blogger or FB.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Calicojoan said...

Thanks, while I know someone is working hard on changes, I am not much of a fan of most of them! Guess it's cause I am old! hahaha

Wonky Girl said...

When reading other blogs I can still right click and open photos in another tab. They will enlarge for my 57 year old eyes to see :)
I never get a heads-up when blogger is going to make changes.

jenclair said...

Thanks a bunch, Michelle. I think I will re-post your tute!

Barbara said...

Thanks for the info.

Pat said...


Angie said...

You are awesome in your knowledge and willingness to share with us other technologically challenged folks. :D Huge hugs of thanks---that was driving me CRAZIER!! :)

Paula, the quilter said...

BTW, love the photo!

Shelina said...

This is good to know. I haven't decided whether I like this feature or not, but it did surprise and annoy me at first.