Sep 1, 2011

Quilt Album: 2011 Free Give Away

When Pat Sloan emails you and offers you a free copy of a software program called Quilt Album, to give away to a can you possibly say no? I couldn't ;) So, now I have a Quilt Album software program... completely free give away to one of you! And to sweeten the deal, I am throwing in a "softholdable" quilted journal of my own"softwear" design.....complete with buttons and bows and a little fabric loving quilt lady as a second drawing gift! I think my little quilted journal lady looks a bit like Pat Sloan, herself...what do you think ;) Quilt Album is an easily downloadable photo album program that allows you to document photos and information for your quilts into a printable photo album. You download the program, click to open it, and arrive at your opening screen of "add a quilt" and type in the quilt's name in the appropriate box. You can even use a simple "drag and drop" of a quilt photo from any of your file folders on your computer into the Quilt Album screen. Then simply type in your quilt's information into the designated fields of your quilt album page to make it unique. In just a few minutes, your first page will be done. As each additional page is entered, you get the hang of it and feel more capable and can start adding more and more information. And any time you want to go back and change something...just click on that quilt's photo in the quilt summary and you're back to its page again. And your album pages are each saved automatically every single time you exit. As soon as you are ready to print a can be printed off either as full pages or half-pages. And you get to choose the font, and the color of the font, you like the best! Photo can be can be printed off as one per page, if you want a larger photo, or in multiples per page, for smaller. And as I discovered, you can also use any photo collages you have already created in any other programs, as well. And you can even upload your Quilt Album online... if you want to go green and paper free. And you can upload pages into Flickr and Facebook and onto your ipad and ipod, as well. Each page you load can contain as little, or as much information as you want for your own use, each and every time with each page. Or you could create different versions..for different uses. For your own album you might include "Started this quilt when granddaughter was born, finished and gave it to her at her bridal shower." But I wouldn't necessarily include that on the gift card ;) Things that can be included might be:
  • Your quilt's name
  • It's size
  • What year you started it
  • And what year you finally finished it
  • Who designed the pattern
  • Who pieced it
  • Who quilted it
  • What its special design elements might be
  • Or what things you need to remember about that pattern for next time!
It's all up to you to decide what information you want to include. When you get ready to print a page, you 'un-check' any item that you don't want included on the print off. And each and every time you add a page, it is automatically added to your index, or quilt summary. This summary acts as your quilt record page and your starting off point for connecting to each and every page....either for changing your wording, or printing off that page. Your album pages can be printed off in half-size pages, or full-sized ones. So, you can make a regular sized quilt photo album to keep at home, and a smaller one to take around with you as your own special "Quilt Brag Book" for sharing with others. Best of all, there is a feature that allows you to also create and print note cards, business cards, quilt labels, and return address labels. All using your own quilt photos and including as little, or as much, additional information as you might desire. And you can make note cards in several styles. This is the half-fold card. The program does the arranging for you. Just make sure to check the info you want included...and uncheck the others...before you print ;) It's great fun to have others know you're a quilter and see your latest, or favorite quilt, at the same time. I am making some to use as note cards for myself. But wouldn't it be fantastic to give a quilt you made as a wedding, birthday, or baby shower gift and make a card with that quilt on it to match? And what about return address labels ? It does that, as well. Make different pages with different quilt or quilt blocks as the photo for even more fun and variety. Quilt labels? Make one with a photo of one of the quilt's blocks, add your information, and simply print it off onto a transfer sheet...a personalized label that actually matches the quilt, and features one of its blocks as the photo. And those 'business' cards? I'm going to make some as handouts for quilt guild friends. A friendship card with a photo from my blog, my name, and my blog's website address. They'll not only remember me, but might even visit my blog, as well ;) And for those of you those of you interested in a purchase, a downloadable copy of Quilt Album (either Mac or PC versions) is $29.95 or a purchased disc (both versions included if you have multiple computers) for $39.95. It seems like a very fair price for a program that creates album pages geared specifically for quilters. As the owners/developers have said, they kept the program simple, the price affordable, the last upgrade was free, and help is always available if you have problems or issues. And they even have a money back guarantee if for some reason, this just doesn't work out for you. And as a special service to my readers, I have a discount code available ...AEX-F7...for any and all purchases of this program you might want to make....whether for yourself, or a gift for a friend.Be sure to enter it on the website's order form before you make your purchase! And a honest disclaimer here, it does help me out if you buy a program using my own personalized code. I say go for the win, and buy one for a friend ;) And I have to say that Quilt Album is not a complicated or super fancy art program know the kind that come with a kazillion choices or things to learn....but there are more than enough fonts and colors to choose from to be creative ...and enough fun extras to make the program worthwhile. Are you ready to win one now??? If you would like a chance(s) to get a Free Quilt Album program......just leave a comment on this post! And if you would like a chance to win my softcover quilting notes journal, just become a 'friends/connect' follower in the right sidebar and include that information in your comment....that you are a follower or are becoming one....for the extra drawing for the journal! And please remember, if you sign in and comment as 'anonymous' or don't have a connecting blog or aren't a 'follower/friend' include your email address or contact info. I need a way to contact you, AND mail you one of these gifts should you win! Oh, I do so love giving things away ......almost as much as I love winning them, myself! Links: Making a purchase with my "Quilt Album Ambassador Discount Code": AEX-F7 Quilt Album Quilt Album on Facebook Twitter
Listen to Pat Sloan interviewing Quilt Album's Laura and Stuart, as they talk about developing the program along with friends, Barbara and Jim. Really cute and informative interview! Pat Sloan's Creative Talk Radio! Pat Sloan: American Patchwork & Quilting Radio Pat Sloan's website Pat's Blog Quilt Forum Creative TalkRadio Show


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Dear Michele, what a terrific giveaway you're hosting. I am a follower already! I have watched the video of the Quilt Album and find the ease of operation as well as the wonderful manner of organizing something that I could certainly put to very good use! Thanks for your generosity in sweetening the deal with the incredibly gorgeous journal too!

Unknown said...

Hi Michele oh I would love, love , love to win this. The possiblities with this are endless and to even be able to make your own cards with your own quilts is just wonderful. I also just started joining the journaling world so thank you for the added gift.

Unknown said...

Oh I am so osrry Michele I forgot to tell you I have been a folower of yours for awhile now..have a great day.

Unknown said...

This is a great program, imagine to have the possibilities to save all the facts and photos of the quilts we make - great! I have been a follower of your blog for a long time.

Miss Jean said...

This looks very interesting, pat Sloan is such an inspiration. I'm glad I found your blog (came here from facebook). Thanks for sharing.

Rosa said...

Hi Michele,this looks great and can´t say No,I say YES.Please, put me in your hat,I`d love have this and try it.Thanks

Nina, the Wonder-Wench said...

Oh, I'd love to be a part of your giveaway! :)
Quilting = life!

Sue said...

That is lovely - both the software and your own "software". Already a follower.

Paula, the quilter said...

Ok, I'm in! You know I'm such a sucker for computer stuff. Maybe I'll be lucky? I'm already a follower. I just went through years and years of my journals looking for a specific drawing as a possible AAQI quilt. Found it btw. Thanks for hosting the drawing.

Michele said...

Awesome giveaway!

ledamewood said...

I've been looking at this and considering a purchase, but I'd really like to win it. Follower? Of course I am a follower. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

what an interesting program! i have always forgotten to journal my quilts. i have photos and all, but have never taken the time to organize them and put in the information about who/what/where/when/why.... i would love to own a copy of this! ~heather (joy4candles at hotmail dot com)

Pat L said...

Hi Michele. It's me, pbear79. What a great prize! I would love the new Quilt Album software and I would especially love to own your quilting journal. Am I officially a follower/friend? I hope so.

Teresa in Music City said...

Oh my goodness! What a really neat tool to have!!! I have been telling myself to get more organized and begin keeping records of my quilts, but I'm so busy quilting I just don't have time LOL!!! I would be SEW delighted to win it - thanks to you and Pat for the chance!

Teresa in Music City said...

Oh and yes I've been a follower for a while now Michele. I don't say much but I read every post & just love your blog!!!!

West Michigan Quilter said...

What a wonderful give away! I'm a follower and have been I think since I first started blogging! Love your blog and all the wonderful work that you do.

omashee aka Barb said...

Great give-away! I love simple & this seems to fit the bill with so many options. Thank you and Pat for the opportunity.
Of course I'm, a follower (anyone in their right mind should be!!!)

♥Duff said...

OH yeah! I was telling my friend over coffee this morning that this program looks really neat and I'm itching to try it! I'd love to be entered to win!! thanks!
OH, I'm a follower!

stitchinpenny said...

I am willing to guess that this would be a great alternative to my current Excel spreadsheet with links to photos.

Miki Willa said...

I have been looking at this program and have almost decided to purchase it with my next quilting commission. I would love to win one if that works out and purchase another one for my sister. I have been a follower for a whilt.

Mary said...

I would love to win this program or you quilt book. Both sound so neat. I am a follower too. Thank you for the chance to win.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I'm a follower. I love your album. What a cool idea. The software too!

Scrappy quilter said...

OOh I'd love to win this. I'm already a follower. Hugs

Kathy MacKie said...

Oh my gosh I would so love to win this. Keeping my fingers crossed for sure. Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway.

Merry said...

What an awesome prize!! Love this!!

veerle said...

What a nice give away! Great prize. I was following your site for a couple of months already so I didn't mind becoming an official member :)
Nice greetings from Belgium!

MoeWest said...

I like everything that I've read about this program, so count me in. Thanks for the giveaway.

MoeWest said...

I've a follower of your blog :-)

KicsiKató said...

I've been your follower in google reader for months:)

Henria O. said...

I'm a follower! Please enter me for both giveaways! By the way, love that journal of yours...too cute!

Kathleen C said...

I'm in on this chance to win the quilt album software, Michele. I don't keep up to date with my notebook method-I wonder if I'd do better on the computer? It suits my computer abilities and my desire to keep track of information, and it looks like fun to use.
I've been a follower for quite sometime, and I always love your posts. By the way, your new blog looks lovely.
Thanks for reviewing the Quilt Album for us.

Annelise Pedersen said...

I've been a follower for a long time, so please enter me into both drawings!
Thanks for this great giveaway!

scottylover said...

Please count me in on this give away! It sounds like such a neat program to have.

I just became a follower, too!

Sandy A

Lynne said...

I love the cover of your softwear journal!

The Quilting Elf said...

I would love to win this software - it's practical, looks like fun and would be s-o-o-o helpful in gathering all of my quilt documentation in one place! Thanks for the opportunity.

Cat said...

This would be so much fun to win. I could really use this. I not only make quilts for myself and others, but I also make tops for my moms church charity quilt group. This would be a perfect way to keep track of it all.

Cat said...

I also just became a follower. Love your quilt journal.

Rene' said...

What a great software program. Must have this!!! Thank you and Pat for the chance to win.

I'm already a Follower...though at times a blog reading slacker;-)

The Quilting Divas said...

What a great program. I take pictures of my quilts but am lax in writing about them. This would help me. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Sunny Slope Farm said...

Please enter me in the drawing for the Quilt Album program. As I read through what you wrote, I could only think about all the quilts my mom has made and how neatly this would help my dad catalog them. They have photos of most of them, but not many stories.

jeanettesquiltin said...

WOW...What a great idea, I would love the Quilt Album!!

Margi said...

awesome, awesome, awesome give away! I am now following your blog as well!
The journal cover lady sure does look like our Pat, just too kute for words!

Shirley in Canada said...

Totally an awesome program!!

Quilting Corner said...

This almost sounds too good to be true. Please count me in.
Thanks, Etty

Victoria said...

What a great giveaway! How could I pass up the chance the win?

Cheri said...

Would be a wonderful tool to have. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I'm a follower.

Jackie said...

Sounds like a great tool - I have looked at it several times and it is on my want list! Thanks for the giveaway.

Lauriejo said...

This is a newbie to me, but looks really neat! And freebies are always good.

Clare said...

What an amazing piece of software. No more quilt journals which you forget to add to. All your quilts are there on the computer for everyone to see and a record for the family forever.

I'd love to own this, even if just for the purpose of recording the Quilts 4 Leukaemia quilts. I forget who made what for what quilt, how I tied it, the style, who the quilt was for and spend a lot of wasted time on the blog looking for a certain quilt.

Love the new look too. Great template.


Bee Quilter said...

I could really use something like this. Please include my name. I have an email and I'm a follower. This is so cool!

Anonymous said...

This is exciting and very interesting. Please include my name. I'll send you my email privately. I've commented before. Marcia

Ocean Dreams said...

I could really use this. One of those things I've been meaning to do. Count me in. I am a follower too

Anonymous said...

oh my, this would be such a wonderful way to log all my quilting!!!

Mary said...

Great Journal cover! Thanks for a chance to own this new Gadget for the list making Quilters... Going to sign up to Follow you now!

Cindy Pelkey said...

OH I would love to keep up with all of my quilts that I make this way. It would be wonderful to own this software. I'd love to have all of my entries in this that I do for breast cancer. Please concider me for the giveaway.

By the way, I think she resembles Pat Slone!

Cindy Pelkey
Corinth, KY

Debra Davis said...

Hi Michele, new follower here, jumping over from Pat Sloan's. I already have the Quilt Album software on my computer and LOVE IT! Would love to be entered in the other drawing for your "software."

Anonymous said...

This is exciting and very interesting...I wish to win this programm...

(sorry, if i made fault..i'm a french canadian)

Sylvie-Anne du Québec

Lindabee said...

What a great giveaway. I'm in the process of reorganizing my quilting room, and this would be a real help. Thank you.

Lindabee said...

Forgot to mention that I'm a new follower.

Up to Alaska said...

What a totally awesome program. Yes, your album cover does look like Pat and yes, I would love win the program. It makes documenting your quilts a breeze.

Sewing Miles of Smiles said...

This would be awesome for World of Charity Stitching to keep everything in order. Thank You!


Sewing Miles of Smiles said...

I am a follower under World of Charity Stitching. Come visit us.


Cat Herder said...

Google lost my other comment! I think this is such a cool program, and very clever. My journal is just handwritten, but I don't always keep it up. I'd love to win this, and I've become a follower, too!
Vickie in Cleveland

Alberta said...

Michele, what a wonderful give away. This is a new software to me and even if someone else is the lucky winner, I win also just by having such a great review!!!

Good luck everyone!

Patricia said...

I love this program and your journal cover. I joined the friends connect. I think the quilt album would be a great way to track my UFO's and to keep pertinent info when ever I start a project

Lonnie Drahos said...

I would love to have this cool program. I hope you pick me!

TheQuiltedFrog said...

I'm now a follower. Quilt Album has been on my "wish list" for some time now, so it would be WONDERFUL to win a copy! And YES--your journal lady DOES look like Pat. How cute!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a very helpful program.

thesevillequilter said...

Anxious to see you at the Houston Quilt Festival. Hope you will be demonstrating your program. It is a great concept.

quiltmom anna said...

Michele, Your winner is going to love your special journal.
This would be a great program to win to record information about one's quilts.
I like the card feature too. Thanks for the chance to win such a nice prize.
Warmest regards,

quiltmom anna said...

I don't know if I am an official follower but I do know that I value our friendship and connection through the blogs. I have you on my blog list- I must make sure I am an official follower Lol.
Warmest regards,

Sewgirl said...

I need one of these! What a cool idea for collecting all your quilts in one easy spot!

Sewgirl said...

I just became a follower of your blog too! Thanks for the giveaway. It looks fantastic!

Shelly said...

Sounds like a wonderful software to help us organize photos and have a neat hardcopy. Thanks for the giveaway!

kftaylorquilts said...

I'm already a follower too. I'm not sure I would have paid much attention the the album had I not read your awesome review. What an awesome idea!

Nanasewingnurse said...

Wish I had used something like this years ago. Oh well, never too late! Awesome giveaway!

Pauline said...

Quilt Album! Wonderful idea! Count me as a follower!

Linda's Mom said...

What a lovely give-away! I have so many quilts - especially baby quilts - that I've made for my grand children and great grands. I always keep a photo, but how fun to give an album and / or a card to each so nieces & nephews can compare some day.


Eileene said...

OMG !!!! What a great giveaway. Enter me please. I'd love to have this to start my quilting journal with. Thanks for the chance. noiseynana

sewnee' said...

Looks like a fantastic program.
Would love to have it. Will check into it. Thanks for the chance at the give-away. Please put my entry in

Lori said...

What a great program! And a chance to win it!!!!! I just became a follower.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Just what I need

Evelyn H said...

You bet I would love to win a free "Quilt Album." I already print photos and specs of my quilts, by it would be great to have all my pages conform.

vivoaks said...

Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful??? To win that program would be totally awesome! Thanks for giving us the chance to win! And LOVE the quilt booklet you made - yes, she does look a bit like Pat Sloan... :-)

vivoaks said...

And, I, Too, forgot to let you know that I've downloaded lots of your freebies in years past, so definitely a follower!! Thanks again!

Carol said...

This would be wonderful to win! I could keep better record of all the details, and it would be available for generations.

2ne said...

Wow, this is great and kross my fingers :-)
I have become a follower too and put a link in my sidebar.
Wish you a kreative week end

Mary Jane said...

Would a wonderful prize to win and it would be my first time to win anything. Would love to start organizing the information on my quilts I have now.

sndy1 said...

Quilt Alblum sounds awesome. I would luv to win a copy. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of this software. Would love to win it. I just joined as a follower.

Anita said...

I would love to win a copy of Quilt Album! What an awesome prize!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful give away! I am a follower, lover your blog!

Anonymous said...

You always have so much fun over here. Love your blog and your give aways are always awesome! Melody P. email sent to you privately.

Colleen said...

What a wonderful idea to keep track of all of our quilts. I try to take pictures of all my quilts but then I don't do anything with them. This would be a great way to keep track of them.

carol said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to organize all those quilt photos on my wish list.

Katiequilysalot said...

I have used a Journal for just this purpose for years,I past the pic to a page then write down all the information.Also if I've made the quilt for some one, I take a pic with them holding the quilt.

fishnlady said...

What a great idea. Thanks for sharing this wonderful program.

Michelle said...

That sounds like a great program. It does so many things. I would love to win. I became a follower too, your little ablum is to cut. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Wow, I am a new quilter and I have been racking my brain trying to come up with a form to hold all the information about my quilts. This would be perfect. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I joined your site to follow you... Thanks great place. Love the journal cover you have.

rawind said...

Fantastic idea! Much better than remembering to write it down. May the best quilter win!!!

Pattilou said...

What a great program! Of course I want one and a free one would certainly be a treat! Thanks for the chance to win Pat and Michelle!

Laura said...

I am a follower. I basically use my blog as a way to save info on my projects and quilts but I do love the notecards and think this would work. Thanks for a chance!

Suze said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'd like to be included in the chance to win the prizes. Thank you for being such a generous giver. I'm sure the right person will win!

Lyn Illman said...

Hi Michele, I am a new follower from Australia and would love to win. I have all my quilting photos in a shoebox waiting to be journalled. Also love the label programme as only half of my quilts have been labelled. Been put aside for when I have time. All my spare time goes into quilting but seeing this programme has inspired me to set some time aside to record my work.
Thanks Lyn (

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for a long time and am now a follower. I would love to have either of the freebies you are offering, so I hope I win!!

doni said...

Hey Michele! Enter me in your giveaway. Back in Nebraska - I was afraid I was losing my mind [still am, but better now!] and started a Quilt scrapbook with pictures and the stories and memories that go with each one. I love that album but it is now officially 11 YEARS out of date!! This program would help me catch up!! Happy Fall! doni @ foggy Oregon coast

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the software - but I really wanted to comment on your blog also - I love it!

Serial Quilter KVA said...

I love the fact that you can make cards and labels using your quilt photo. I have been tracking my quilts in a photo album and hand entering all of the information about my finished quilts, but this program has many features I would use. And it is much quicker. I like quicker! I have finished 6 quilts since May and 4 purses. I will be going into overdrive for Christmas. I could sure use this!
Love the design on your book. Very cool!

wanda said...

Love to win the software, and I joined your blog, I would love to win your giveaway. Thanks 4 the patterns

June D said...

What a fun sounding program - please put my name in the hat!

Your new blog template is nice!

: )

Anonymous said...

Wow, this program sounds really nifty. It might actually motivate me to catalog my quilts!

Peggy Forbes

Gmama Jane said...

WOW, just found your blog while doing some research for a blog post at Sew We Quilt@Stash Manicure. I would LOVE to be a winner so I'm going to be a follower!!
Gmama Jane

Quilt Junquee said...

I've been away on vacation, hope this isn't too late, but would love to win either gift. I am a follower and love your of my favorites.

Peace Quilting said...

Love both of these! Please include me in both drawings! I'd love to win either of these.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Wow you are a popular lady - 116 comments! Google hasn't been updating your blog, but luckily I thought to check here anyway! This looks like a pretty interesting program. It would be nice to document stuff besides a spreadsheet.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

I became a follower for this.