Greetings from the beautiful state of Alaska! I flew from my home in Salem, Oregon to my childhood home in Juneau, Alaska. Arriving here Tuesday afternoon to sunshine and a view of all of the glaciers, mountain ranges and islands as far as the eyes could see.......both from the airplane windows and riding along the scenic Glacier Highway leading in from the Mendenhall Glacier Highway into Alaska's capital city of Juneau.
From there, it is then only three more miles across the Gastineau Channel to my small hometown of Douglas, on Douglas Island. I was met at the Juneau Airport by my dear parents and it was so good to be 'home' again surrounded by the beautiful mountains, trees and beaches that I have loved my entire life.
I have been spending countless hours catching up and helping out and my few attempts to get online and open my blog were challenging. My parents own a computer but it couldn't connect without some major updating to its Internet Explorer that I had help installing today. There is nothing like being without a computer and your blog to realize just how much you miss it!
I am so grateful to all of you who enjoyed my Lunar Eclipse article and have faithfully returned to my site when I was unable to update! It was delightful to receive comments, which I was able to open through google, although my own blog came in unsupported and barely viewable. I have yet to be able to access photos, however.
But it's nice to be back! I have only a few photos and graphics that I can use at this time, and am not sure if my digital camera will connect...but I shall try again tomorrow! I brought a quilty project along with me...the need for fabric and thread was too great to go without.
One suitcase contained my sewing things and as an after clothing. Another carried 7 pounds of Italian prune-plums picked from our trees and 7 pounds of tomatoes from our garden. I had visions of the Airline Security Inspectors examining prunes and tomatoes, rotary cutter and mat and imagining what kind of person brought these to Alaska! At the Airport I was asked if I carried any bear repellent. At that point, I decided maybe a rotary cutter and mat wasn't that odd!
It feel so good to be back 'home'! More to come.....
I'm glad you made it safely to your hometown and that you were able to get on the internet. Your packing list had me LOL. I guess you can always buy clothes there, or just do laundry often.
I'm from Juneau, too. I graduated from JDHS in '81. I haven't been back since my 20th reunion in 2001. Sure is different since I lived there. Enjoy your visit & say Hi to the Red Dog.
It is always good to be "home" even it is not where you are not living there now. Who needs clothes? Food and sewing things are whats important.
Bear repellant! The woman is carrying a suitcase full of ripe tomatoes --and they're worrying about bear repellant? LOL :-) Seriously, I'm glad you made it home safely. Your description of the route brought back pleasant memories of my one visit to Alaska.
Love on the parents, soak up the sights and sounds of Alaska and make pleasant memories.
I just visited Juneau last week too - not my childhood home, but my first visit to the great state of Alaska. Did you happen to run into the Capital City Quilters while you were there? I met one of their members in a restaurant one evening, and it turns out they were having a quilt retreat last week. It was fun for me to stop by and see what other quilters were up to - not on my regular vacation itinerary this time around, but easily squeezed in.
I enjoyed stumbling across your blog tonight on my return.
Ethel Swartley,
Common Thread Quilt Club
Parker, CO
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