How wonderful to not only be able to connect with the Internet, once again, but to have managed to get a photo to upload! Here is a photo taken from Douglas Island looking across to Alaska's capitol city of Juneau.
Today, we headed back to the Juneau Airport where we picked up one of my brothers and his wife, flying south from Anchorage. We managed to fit all 5 of us into my father's car along with luggage and carry-ons, tucking his spare gasoline can and cooler chest, which we had forgotten to remove, from out of the trunk and under my tucked up legs. It was a bit of a squeeze but we made it!
We headed back to Douglas, where after coffee and cookies , they napped while I walked down to the water's edge and took digital photos and checked out all of the changes to buildings and shoreline.
It was my second beautiful day with interspersed sunshine. They've had rain all summer long and I had promised them all that when I flew up from Oregon, I would bring some of our sunshine with me. Looks like I was able to keep my promise ;)
I had a lovely, lovely walk which made for a nice break in a busy day of much work and helping out. We made extra spaghetti at dinner time...... which was a good thing....within an hour 16 different people stopped by and joined us. Some from work, some from school, and 4 from a jaunt in their skiff..... where they watched a whale spouting, and then saw five sea lions basking in the sun.
My youngest niece played her oboe while the rest of us visited and cleaned up. We are an active, noisy, busy bunch...but we are all family and it is so good to be together, again!
1 comment:
What a gorgeous picture! And what a beautiful area your family lives in! I know that Oregon is beautiful too but how can you bear to live away from beauty like this. Please enjoy it while you can and TAKE MORE PICTURES! How long are you going to be in Alaska? Years ago I visited and I remember the sun never setting! For a child this was a big thing and my brother and I stayed up all night to make sure the stories they were telling us were really true!
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