Aug 11, 2012

Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Wonders of All Kind

The Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show showcases such a diversity of quilts, that is almost impossible for me to break them down into enough categories to cover all of the identifiable ones.

So, sometimes...I just have to show some of my favorites combined with some of the show stoppers, combined with as many quilts as I can upload into posts and try my very best to show something for everyone!

And it doesn't matter if I am taking those photos as I walk outside of the Western themed town of Sisters, and looking up at the wall of the Jean Wells famous "Stitchin' Post' quilt store...

or outside any of the multitude of buildings, store fronts, sides, backs or even courtyards of almost every store in town!

Or I actually walk inside the 'Stitchin' Post' and look up at more and more quilts!

From the Portland Modern Quilt Guilds' variety of quilts that included everything from the traditional heritage of string quilting and flying geese, the modern world of large expanses of open fields of grey or white, to painted text, to blocks that seemed to fall of the edges of time...this group always provides a bright spot of fun in the grassy courtyard of the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show.

But they were joined this year, by a group of 'Ab-strakt-ed' quilts that came up from California, Liberated quilters from just about every where and gorgeous traditionals that made your appreciate the time and detail that so many talented quilters put into their beautiful quilts.

They are all so special, each in its own way, that I'm just including a smorgasbord of lovelies into this group to showcase the variety of styles, colors, techniques, and talent.

So here is quite a few of the fun photos that I took during the show!

And you know the saying "When it rains it pours?" Well it may only have rained once in 36 years or so at the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show...but when it does, volunteers run like crazy, get quilts down and into safety as quickly as they can! So, here is a photo I got from Google images that shows what that looks like? Good thing, volunteers are quick and the quilts, for the most part are kept safe and dry!

Yep, a lot of excitement in one day!!!! And I still have LOTS more photos! I may only get free day once in a while, but I make the absolute most of it ;)

Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: 2012...links to all posts listed below in this category

Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: So Many Quilts to Want to Make!
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Two Rivers
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Small Wonders Abound

Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Wonders of All Kind
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Rosalie Dace
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Teacher's Tent
Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show: Peter and Wendy Quilts

Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska and all of her AAQI Quilting. Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge and make or donate small art quilts to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!


SewCalGal said...

What fun. Looks like a wonderful show. Thanks for sharing Michele. I so hope to attend this show someday.


Caren Kristine said...

OH Thank you for sharing. I spent my honeymoon 12 years ago this week in Oregon. We never made it down to Sisters, but it is on my bucket list.

Kitty said...

I was there at Sisters this year and the past three years. My husband and I love it there. I too took sooo many pictures of quilts. They are amazing and inspiring. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures so much, and your other posts about the show. I just have to comment and say thank you for taking the time to take them and share them. I can't imagine how much time this must all take you. Your life is so full. But your sharing inspires me to try harder in my own life. thank you.

jenclair said...

I've always thought that this must be the best quilt show around. Seeing the quilts in such a great setting seems to exemplify what quilts are about--beauty and comfort, art and bed covering, creative and useful!

Lynne said...

Thank you for sharing that amazing array of very diverse quilts. They were all lovely but that Bargello style quilt about two thirds of the way through the post stopped me scrolling and had me zooming in for a closer look! Stunning!

Lynne said...

Actually, the quilt in question is in the third last row of your post but I can't make corrections to what I have typed on blogs that have the comments at the foot of their post. It's one of the very few things I don't like about my otherwise wonderful iPad!

Anonymous said...

OH my goodness! What an amazing town this must be! It will be added on my 'honey help me do' list very soon! I love all of these!

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Thanks for taking us to the quilt show with us. I found many things that I liked. I have that quilt calendar that has pattern for the crazy quilt trees at the top of the page, but I haven't done anything with it.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

OOps just checked the date on this one, it was last year! Enjoyed letting me go back in time as well.