It's time for doing some dancing...and this isn't any April Fools!
I'm doing the happy dance for a wonderful April event.....the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative's April auction!
My quilt is #9125 - Change and Transition and is filled with happy and bright colors of fun. But I have also filled it with my own energies of the joy of life and how I try to always see meaning in all of life's change and transition.
As my little quotation by the Greek philosopher, Herakilitos, says "There is nothing permanent except change.
It's that simple and that complicated. Really and truly, it's about how we see, and therefore how we deal with, the challenges of change in our own lives. It's easy to grump and groan, but why not see the truth in the dragonfly's wings...their very translucence and mirroring of color in the world around them is simply a reflection of all seems to be real in this world of illusion.
That which is true, and that which is real, can never be destroyed. For the soul aspect of our lives....all that we reflect, and all that we are part of....our true nature, and our true spirit, lives on.
Celebrate April and bring in some sunshine, and not just rain and tears this month! Join me in my own little Happy Dance and help me thank the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative and all of the wonderful volunteers who seek to make a difference in the little quilt at a time.
Remember!!!! All quilt sale profits go to fund Alzheimer's research!!!
Think about buying a little quilt for your own sewing room wall, a special place in the kitchen, hallway, or by your favorite chair in the family room. But they also make the best all occasion gifts for all of your favorite people any time of the year! See all of the quilts for sale on our sale page at AAQI as well as view the lovely quilts in our auction. And please don't forget my entry. I would so dearly love it if it would go to a really, really good home....YOURS !

Michele Bilyeu
Salem, OR USA
Width: 9" Length: 12"
Designer: Original design
Materials/Techniques: Batik cotton fabrics, Shiva oil sticks, dryer sheets, colored inks, and raw edge appliqué. I create my own designs cutting directly from the fabric (without even sketching first) and let the theme tell me where and how to cut, piece, or embellish.
Artist Statement: The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, once wrote, "Nothing is permanent except change.” I thought about the 15 members of my family that have been challenged by Alzheimer's disease, and all of the changes that have been created in all of our lives. I used the quote and the symbolic dragonfly imagery to represent the active power of seeing through illusion into recognition of the transition of all of life through the cycles of endless change.
Dedication: For anyone whose life has been forever and permanently changed by Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
Congratulations on having your quilt selected for auction! It's absolutely wonderful and I'm sure it will bring many more dollars for Alzheimer's research!
I like this one a lot. Maybe I'll at least be one of the early bidders on it! ;- )
a fabulous representation of the beauty within all of life.
nice work Michele~!
Michele, Always in touch with what is real about & within this journey called life. Someone will be blessed with this for the rest of their time here.
What a beautiful and thoughtful quilt. congratulations on being selected.
Wow! This is beautiful! I'm going to have to bid on this beauty!
I love this quilt, Michele!
I love the cheerfulness you've managed to incorporate, Michele! It makes me happy just to look at it!
Congratulations, Michele, on how wonderful the bidding is going on your little quilt!! I can tell this is going to be a favorite this month! We're so close to that 10,000th quilt - I can feel it coming!
I love that quote, "There is nothing permanent except change."
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