I love to make everyday objects and I love to make them as pretty as I can. Sure, it may be easier to just buy simple things like potholders, hot pads or table mats, or even magnets for putting up all of the reminders or brag clippings on the frig....but how much more fun to try and create your own?
And it doesn't have to be as complicated as some of my other projects that I have shared in the past. It can be as easy and as simple as buying a kitchen towel and adding a trim to make it your own, or creating your own magnets out of fabric, or photos, and inexpensive craft accessories.

When I needed one extra gift for a number of family members, I found these simple dishtowels at Craft Warehouse on sale for 4/$10.
It takes almost no time at all to add a simple fabric band, with rickrack, or ribbons, or lace trim. But it only takes a bit more time to free form piece a simple border from scraps.....and add an artsy band to some of them, as well!
It's a wonderful way to use up small scraps from potholders etc. that I have made in the past and co-ordinate these gifts to those!

And for simple additional gifts, I decided to make my own magnets to add in with the kitchen towels and I added an inexpensive ($2.99) tart, or flan pan that. The pan can be used to hold the towels as well as to try out the little magnets...and boy, do they stick nicely to magnetic surfaces.....far better than a lot of store bought decorative magnets!

For the home made magnets, you need pieces of fabric, decorative papers or giftwrap, or my favorite..family photos. From the craft store you find those extra strong round magnets that are made for this purpose, along with flat, clear marbles sometimes used in vases but now, more often for creating your own magnets, like mine.
Cut a piece of fabric, paper, or photo roughly to the size of the magnet ( I leave a bit of overlap extra) Using a toothpick, place a drop of craft glue..I used Aleen's Craft Glue and it was inexpensive...and worked fine. Spread the drop of glue evenly over the flat back of the craft marble. Apply our piece of fabric or paper or photo. Press gently but don't soak your fabric or photo. Let dry for several hours.
Then put a drop of glue onto the back of the fabric or photo, spread gently to cover, and apply the magnet. Let it dry for another couple of hours. then trim the fabric or paper away to match the edges. The marbles are not perfectly round, so it much easier to do it this way then pre-cut and find your circle doesn't match up at all!

Easy, everyday items that are so much fun to make, even more fun to use...and they make quick, simple and fabulous gifts in a hurry!
Why not get out some of your own Easter fabrics and try some of your own ;) They make a wonderful holiday gift...for a friend, a family member..or hey, even your self!!!
Michele Bilyeu Quilts With Heart and HandsAs a lifelong volunteer, I offer links to over 2,500 free patterns for quilts, quilt blocks, crafts, clothing, sewing room accessories, and more. As a committed volunteer for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) I am always urging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge...and buy or donate a quilt, today!! We are all changing the world...one little quilt at a time.
Good reminder about what to do with all that stuff I have in boxes. I like to take beach glass and stones that have been through the rock polisher and glue them to those little magnets.
Great ideas!
Lovely gifts AND ideas---thanks for sharing them with us. :)
Love the dressed up little towels, Michelle, and the magnets! I love to use what I have to make something new--something so intrinsically satisfying in that. Thanks reminding us of another way to use up scraps of favorite fabrics.
Adorable gifts!
This makes such a lovely gift! I think I just might try both of this. Thankyou for such a truly brilliant but simple idea!
Cute! I'm almost tempted. Oh wait, gotta finish the big quilting project first but then I just might try those magnets.
To tell the truth, I've never thought of personalising utilitarian objects! Oops, yes, I knitted personalised wash cloths for Grandson #1.
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