Oct 1, 2010

Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative

October Auction: See the quilts/bid now!

My "Butterfly Upon the Sky" is flying freely and up for today's opening auction at the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative. Originally destined for the Houston International Quilt Festival, it was selected from among the almost 1,000 donated quilts to be one of 26 officially offered for this month's auction

I was so thrilled to have it go to Houston, that I am now ecstatic to have it be at auction, instead! It is amongst some super prestigious art quilters and art quilts featured this month.

That I made this quilt in the one month I had to be at my home in Oregon...in between caring for my mother, who suffers from advanced Alzheimer's in our home in Douglas, Alaska in July, and returning again in mid-August, when my father passed away..makes it a quilt that is now so near and dear to my heart.

I received my official registration date of August 18 for this quilt...and that ended up being the very day that my father passed away, and I mailed it from Alaska to AAQI, on August 30..the same day that my father's ashes came home to rest. It is an intrinsically powerful little "healing quilt" from this amazing timing, filled with the energetic gifts of both my heart and my hands, whose thematic artistic statement reads:

"Alzheimer's creates absolute chaos, despair, and often great grief in members of the family, as well as in the lives of those it victimizes. I was inspired by Emily Dickenson's poem "The Butterfly upon the Sky" where the poet calls upon us to emulate the beauty and the grace of the butterfly and to "soar away and never sigh, And that's the way to grieve." As I created this art quilt, I allowed it calming gentleness to enter and soften my own heart, as well."

When I had typed his weeks before, I never dreamed, I would get to practice that softening, as well as that grieving, in just a few short weeks.

Please consider bidding on my quilt, as well as any of the others. While I'm honored to be in such artistic company, at the same time, I don't want to have the only quilt still sitting in the corner at the end of the ball ;) So, get the ball rolling and place some opening bids on ALL of these amazing quilts.

Note from Ami Simms about our new format:

The auctions are hosted, free of charge, by BenefiBidding.com. And, as always, all profits fund Alzheimer's research.Here's that URL again: http://bit.ly/AQI-Auction
Second, here's a handy little slide show to see all the quilts before you bid. It runs automatically after you click, although you can stop it at any time. Follow this link:

My Quilt: and details about the bidding
5625 - The Butterfly Upon the Sky
See the quilts/bid now!

Why I support AAQI, only up the number of family members to 15:
From the Heart of a Quilter
Join me by making and entering 9"x 12"quilts or 4" x6" postcards:
Liberated Quilting Challenge
33 Ways You Can Help
Alzheimer's Illustrated: From Heartbreak to Hope

Liberated Quilting Challenge

Get the latest news about the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative on the AAQI BLOG!
For more frequent news follow the AAQI on FaceBook and Twitter.


Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

It is a beautiful quilt. I hope it raises lots of money for the great cause.

Anonymous said...

I loved this art quilt when you first showed it. I think its wonderful what you do!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, all of it. I have been thinking of you and hoping you are doing well. This is a wonderful cause, I think its just wonderful how you contribute!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Yours is an incredible piece if art, straight from your heart; a sacred offering. Bless you.

Anonymous said...

The quilt is gorgeous. I will bid on it.