As I give suggestions for creating gifts for others, I incorporate as many free links, patterns and tutorials as I have time to make, create, or find online to honor others and the work they do.
At the end of this post you will find many, many fabulous free patterns, tutorials and helpful advice from others far more talented in their specific arenas that I am. My goal is to showcase them, link directly to them if at all possible, and always give credit where it is correctly deserved.
The one I am sharing today is Quilts 4 Kids is a world-wide effort involving a wonderful cross stitchery group in Australia dedicated to creating and donating squares for children with long-term or life-threatening diseases. Squares are created by individual stitchers with a selected child in mind. Themed squares are stitched on a sign-up basis and stitchers can choose their own patterns and requests. Once you choose a child that you would like to stitch for, you use a linking button on that child's website to link to a sign-up form.
And while specific children/themes can be selected, any and all stitched squares are welcomed and use for non-specific 'emergency' donations.
Being able to see a picture of that child and read about their medical conditions creates a wonderful heart opening experience for each and every stitcher involved and allows quilts to be custom designed for that child's interests.
There is no charge for the quilt to the family and free patterns are given with specific directions for quilt blocks.
List of wonderful FREE Cross Stitch Patterns:
Animals from Alita
Animals and Insects from About.com
Bev's Country Cottage X Stitch
Beyonds Download Cross Stitch Patterns
Carol’s Cross Stitch
Charles Craft Free Designs
The Chart Shop
Crystal’s Cross Stitch
Cyberstitcher’s Pattern Library
Free Cross Stitch Pattern.comFree Patterns.comFree Patterns Online
Jenny’s Free Cross Stitch
Mes Grilles Gratuites
Free Charts |
Please choose from the categories below: |
Animals |
Baby |
Birds |
Birthdays |
Bonfire Night |
Cats & dogs |
Celebrity |
Christmas |
Clothing |
Designer Exclusives |
Easter |
Fairies |
Flowers |
Food |
For Dad |
For Mum |
Free Charts for Frames |
Fun sayings |
Halloween |
Home & garden |
Ireland |
Keep Fit |
Nautical |
Office |
People |
Retirement |
Romance |
Sea life |
Teddies |
Transport |
Travel |
UK |
Weddings |
Shona's Place, crochet and stitch
Stitch X
Vic Stitch Free Cross Stitch Charts
Wonderful Cross stitch
Yiotas Cross Stitch
And from X Stitch Happy: http://www.xstitchhappy.com/
Acorns and Leaves Scissor Fob
And if you don't mind signing in at this site, and having a password, these very popular x stitch patterns are also free:
Bright Butterflies
Sweetheart Roses
Butterflies Are Free
Garden Buddies
Today We Dedicate
Garden Guardian
Floral Teacup
Country Girls
Classic Flowers
Free charts from Needles and Threads:
- Acorns and Leaves Scissor Fob
- Alphabets for Personalizations
- Baseball Charts
- Best Mom Needleroll
- Busy Bees Needlework Set - Needlecase
- Busy Bees Needlework Set - Pincushion
- Busy Bees Needlework Set - Scissor Case and Fob
- Cheetah/Leopard Biscornu
- Cheetah/Leopard Needle Case
- Cheetah/Leopard Print Scissor Fob
- Cheetah/Leopard Scissors Case
- Cheetah/Leopard Scissors Fob New
- Coffee Break Scissor Fob
- Coffee Mug Mat
- Cross Stitch, Coffee & Cats
- Dragonfly Scissor Fob
- Fall Harvest
- Falling Leaves
- Fern Frond Chart
- Football Chart
- Friendship Heart
- Friendship Heart Scissors Fob
- Garden Chart
- Gingerbread Man Scissor Fob
- Gingerbread Treasure Bag
- Gone Stitching Scissor Fob
- Guiltless Dragonfly Biscornu and Needle Case
- Guiltless Dragonfly Scissors Pocket & Fob
- Humming Along Scissor Fob
- Hummingbird Biscornu & Needle Case
- Hummingbird Hoedown
- Hummingbird Scissors Pocket & Fob
- Hummingbird Triangle Scissors Case
- Jewels of Summer Bookmark or Needleroll
- Jewels of Summer Scissor Fob
- Koi Pond
- Kortney's Hearts Part 1
- Kortney's Hearts Part 2
- Kortney's Hearts Part 3
- Maria Scissors Fob
- My Stitching Friend Double Heart
- Needlework Set Part 1 - Scissor Case
- Needlework Set Part 2 - Scissor Fob
- Needlework Set Part 3 - Biscornu
- Needlework Set part 4 - Needlecase
- Nine Lives & Quilt Cats Scissor Fobs
- Octagon Snowflake Fob or Ornament
- Plant Kindness
- Princess of Perpetual Projects
- Pumpkin Fob
- Quaker-Style Scissors Fob
- Queen of Procrastination
- Roberta's Bunnies Scissors Fobs & Biscornus
- Roberta's Cats Biscornu
- Roberta's Cats Scissors Fob
- Roberta's Flowers Scissors Fobs & Biscornus
- Roberta's Pups Scissors Fob & Biscornu
- Sandcastle Scissor Fob
- Scarecrow Stand-Up
- Scissors Crosspatch
- Small Heart with Hummer Scissor Fob
- Small Octagon Snowflake Fob
- Small Scissors Crosspatch
- Small Scissors Fobs Mix & Match
- Snowman Mug
- Snowman Scissor Fob
- Sorry, Gone Stitchin'
- Stork Scissors Square
- Summer Sizzles Scissor Fobs
- Swirly Acorn Fob
- Swirly Autumn
- Three Flowers
- Three Pumpkins Scissors Fob
- Where Stitchers Meet
Stitch Dictionary from the amazing Sharon B. at pintangle.com
This Stitch Dictionary of hand embroidery stitches enables directly links to the website of the original creator and designer of these fabulous tutorials.
If all I did was share her link, you wouldn't visit her, this way you can see just how much as has compiled while I still honor and respect direct linkage to her! Please thank any and all of us who share our time consuming work with you as we do it out of great love for the art of stitching, sewing, and quilting.
Thank you and many blessings to Sharon for sharing her amazing work with all of us!!!!
If all I did was share her link, you wouldn't visit her, this way you can see just how much as has compiled while I still honor and respect direct linkage to her! Please thank any and all of us who share our time consuming work with you as we do it out of great love for the art of stitching, sewing, and quilting.
Thank you and many blessings to Sharon for sharing her amazing work with all of us!!!!
Stitch Dictionary of hand embroidery stitches Index
A . B . C . D . E .F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z
Algerian Eye:
Alternating Barred Chain
Alternating Buttonholed Cable Chain
Alternating Cross Stitch
Alternating Double Chain Stitch
Alternating Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Arrow stitch see Arrowhead stitch
Arrowhead Stitch
Alternating Barred Chain
Alternating Buttonholed Cable Chain
Alternating Cross Stitch
Alternating Double Chain Stitch
Alternating Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Arrow stitch see Arrowhead stitch
Arrowhead Stitch
A sample of Arrowhead Stitch used in contemporary embroidery
Back Stitch
Back Stitch beaded see Beaded Back stitch
Back Stitched spider’s web see Whipped wheel
Back Stitched Wheel see Whipped Wheel
Barb Stitch
Barb Stitch Beaded see Beaded Barb Stitch
Barred Chain
Basque Stitch
Beaded Alternating Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Beaded Back Stitch
Beaded Barb Stitch
Beaded Butterfly chain stitch
Beaded Buttonhole Stitch
Beaded Eastern Stitch
Beaded Feathered Chain Stitch
Beaded Fern stitch
Beaded Hedebo Edge
Beaded Herringbone
Beaded Knotted Buttonhole Band
Beaded Linked Chain Stitch
Beaded Lock Stitch
Beaded Long Tail Chain
Beaded Looped Cretan
Beaded Oyster Stitch
Beaded Shell Chain Stitch
Beaded Stitch see Coral stitch
Beaded Triangular Buttonhole Stitch
Beaded Vandyke Stitch
Berlin stitch see Cross Stitch
Berry Stitch
Blanket stitch see Buttonhole Stitch
Blanket stitch up and down see Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Bonnet Stitch
Bouclé Stitch
Breton Stitch
Briar stitch see Feather Stitch
Bullion Buttonhole Stitch
Bullion Knot
Bullion stitch see Bullion Knot
Bullion Vandyke stitch
Butterfly Chain
Butterfly Chain beaded see Beaded Butterfly Chain stitch
Buttonhole Bar
Buttonhole barb stitch see Barb stitch
Buttonhole disk see Buttonhole Wheel
Buttonhole Eyelet Flower
Buttonhole Flowers see Buttonhole wheel
Buttonhole Picot made with bullion knot (version 1)
Buttonhole Picot made with chain (version 2)
Buttonhole Rings see Buttonhole Wheel
Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Alternating Up and Down
Buttonhole Stitch: Barb stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Beaded see Beaded Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Beaded Barb Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Beaded Alternating Up and Down Buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Beaded Triangular Buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Bonnet
Buttonhole Stitch: Bullion see Bullion Buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Buttonhole Bar
Buttonhole Stitch: Crossed buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Eyelet flower see Buttonhole Eyelet Flower
Buttonhole Stitch: Fancy Bobbin Edging
Buttonhole Stitch: Feather Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Feathered Up and Down Buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Interlaced Up and Down Buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Knotted Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Mirrored see Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Picot
Buttonhole Stitch: Reversed Buttonholed Bar
Buttonhole Stitch: Sailors Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Sailors Edge Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Top Knotted Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Triangular Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Wheel
Buttonhole Wheel Cup
Buttonhole with extra line see Reversed Buttonhole Bar
Buttonholed Cable Chain
Buttonholed Cable Chain Alternating
Buttonholed Double Chain Stitch
Buttonholed Herringbone
Back Stitch beaded see Beaded Back stitch
Back Stitched spider’s web see Whipped wheel
Back Stitched Wheel see Whipped Wheel
Barb Stitch
Barb Stitch Beaded see Beaded Barb Stitch
Barred Chain
Basque Stitch
Beaded Alternating Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Beaded Back Stitch
Beaded Barb Stitch
Beaded Butterfly chain stitch
Beaded Buttonhole Stitch
Beaded Eastern Stitch
Beaded Feathered Chain Stitch
Beaded Fern stitch
Beaded Hedebo Edge
Beaded Herringbone
Beaded Knotted Buttonhole Band
Beaded Linked Chain Stitch
Beaded Lock Stitch
Beaded Long Tail Chain
Beaded Looped Cretan
Beaded Oyster Stitch
Beaded Shell Chain Stitch
Beaded Stitch see Coral stitch
Beaded Triangular Buttonhole Stitch
Beaded Vandyke Stitch
Berlin stitch see Cross Stitch
Berry Stitch
Blanket stitch see Buttonhole Stitch
Blanket stitch up and down see Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Bonnet Stitch
Bouclé Stitch
Breton Stitch
Briar stitch see Feather Stitch
Bullion Buttonhole Stitch
Bullion Knot
Bullion stitch see Bullion Knot
Bullion Vandyke stitch
Butterfly Chain
Butterfly Chain beaded see Beaded Butterfly Chain stitch
Buttonhole Bar
Buttonhole barb stitch see Barb stitch
Buttonhole disk see Buttonhole Wheel
Buttonhole Eyelet Flower
Buttonhole Flowers see Buttonhole wheel
Buttonhole Picot made with bullion knot (version 1)
Buttonhole Picot made with chain (version 2)
Buttonhole Rings see Buttonhole Wheel
Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Alternating Up and Down
Buttonhole Stitch: Barb stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Beaded see Beaded Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Beaded Barb Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Beaded Alternating Up and Down Buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Beaded Triangular Buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Bonnet
Buttonhole Stitch: Bullion see Bullion Buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Buttonhole Bar
Buttonhole Stitch: Crossed buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Eyelet flower see Buttonhole Eyelet Flower
Buttonhole Stitch: Fancy Bobbin Edging
Buttonhole Stitch: Feather Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Feathered Up and Down Buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Interlaced Up and Down Buttonhole
Buttonhole Stitch: Knotted Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Mirrored see Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Picot
Buttonhole Stitch: Reversed Buttonholed Bar
Buttonhole Stitch: Sailors Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Sailors Edge Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Top Knotted Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Triangular Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Stitch: Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Buttonhole Wheel
Buttonhole Wheel Cup
Buttonhole with extra line see Reversed Buttonhole Bar
Buttonholed Cable Chain
Buttonholed Cable Chain Alternating
Buttonholed Double Chain Stitch
Buttonholed Herringbone
Cable Chain Stitch
Cable Chain Stitch: Buttonholed Cable Chain
Cable Chain Stitch: Interlaced Cable Chain
Cable Chain Stitch: Knotted Cable Chain
Cable Chain Stitch: Slipped Cable Chain
Cable Chain Stitch: Threaded Cable Chain
Cable Stitch see Cable Chain Stitch
Candlewicking Knot see Colonial Knot
Cast on stitch
Caterpillar stitch see Bullion Knot
Catch stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Chain Stitch:
Chain Stitch: Alternating barred chain
Chain Stitch: Alternating Double Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Barred chain
Chain Stitch: Beaded Butterfly Chain
Chain Stitch: Beaded Shell Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Beaded Oyster Stitch
Chain Stitch: Berry Stitch
Chain Stitch: Butterfly Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Buttonholed Cable Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Cable Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Cable Chain Stitch Slipped
Chain Stitch: Crested Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Detached Chain
Chain Stitch: Double see Berry Stitch
Chain Stitch: Double Zig Zag Coral stitch
Chain Stitch: Feathered Chain
Chain Stitch: Interlaced Cable Chain
Chain Stitch: Knotted Cable Chain
Chain Stitch: Linked Double Chain
Chain Stitch: Long Tail Stitch
Chain Stitch: Magic Chain stitch
Chain Stitch: Oyster stitch
Chain Stitch: Raised Chain Band V1
Chain Stitch: Raised Chain Band V2
Chain Stitch: Shell Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Slipped Cable Chain
Chain Stitch: Spiked Knotted Cable Chain
Chain Stitch: Threaded Cable Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Triple Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Twisted Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Whipped Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Whipped Long Tail Stitch
Chain Stitch: Woven Detached Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Zig Zag Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Zig Zag Coral stitch Double
Chained Bar Stitch
Chained Cross Stitch
Chained Feather Stitch see Feathered Chain Stitch
Checkered Chain stitch see Magic Chain
Chevron Stitch:
Chevron Stitch: Half Chevron Stitch
Chinese Stitch see Pekinese Stitch
Closed Base Needlewoven Picot
Closed Herringbone Stitch
Cloud Filling
Coil stitch see Bullion knot
Colonial Knot
Convent stitch see Couching
Coral knot see Coral Stitch
Coral knot with extra wrap see Wrapped Coral Stitch
Coral Stitch
Coral Stitch: Wrapped Coral Stitch
Coral Stitch: Zig Zag Coral Stitch
Couching or Simple Laid Work:
Crested Chain Stitch
Cretan Stitch:
Cretan Stitch: Beaded Looped Cretan Stitch
Cretan Stitch: Knotted Cretan Stitch
Cretan Stitch: Laced Cretan see Raised Cretan Stitch
Cretan Stitch: Looped Cretan Stitch
Cretan Stitch: Open Cretan Stitch
Cretan Stitch: Raised Cretan Stitch
Crewel Stitch see Stem Stitch
Cross Stitch:
Cross Stitch: alternating see Alternating Cross Stitch
Cross Stitch: Chained Cross Stitch
Cross Stitch: Flower see Woven Cross stitch
Cross Stitch: Flower see Raised Cross Stitch Flower
Cross Stitch: Half
Cross Stitch: Quarter
Cross Stitch: Raised see Raised Cross Stitch Flower Stitch
Cross Stitch: Rice stitch
Cross Stitch: Whipped see Raised Cross Stitch Flower
Cross Stitch: Woven see Woven Cross Stitch
Crossed Buttonhole Stitch
Crossed Corners see Rice Stitch
Crossed Feather Stitch
Cable Chain Stitch: Buttonholed Cable Chain
Cable Chain Stitch: Interlaced Cable Chain
Cable Chain Stitch: Knotted Cable Chain
Cable Chain Stitch: Slipped Cable Chain
Cable Chain Stitch: Threaded Cable Chain
Cable Stitch see Cable Chain Stitch
Candlewicking Knot see Colonial Knot
Cast on stitch
Caterpillar stitch see Bullion Knot
Catch stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Chain Stitch:
Chain Stitch: Alternating barred chain
Chain Stitch: Alternating Double Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Barred chain
Chain Stitch: Beaded Butterfly Chain
Chain Stitch: Beaded Shell Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Beaded Oyster Stitch
Chain Stitch: Berry Stitch
Chain Stitch: Butterfly Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Buttonholed Cable Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Cable Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Cable Chain Stitch Slipped
Chain Stitch: Crested Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Detached Chain
Chain Stitch: Double see Berry Stitch
Chain Stitch: Double Zig Zag Coral stitch
Chain Stitch: Feathered Chain
Chain Stitch: Interlaced Cable Chain
Chain Stitch: Knotted Cable Chain
Chain Stitch: Linked Double Chain
Chain Stitch: Long Tail Stitch
Chain Stitch: Magic Chain stitch
Chain Stitch: Oyster stitch
Chain Stitch: Raised Chain Band V1
Chain Stitch: Raised Chain Band V2
Chain Stitch: Shell Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Slipped Cable Chain
Chain Stitch: Spiked Knotted Cable Chain
Chain Stitch: Threaded Cable Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Triple Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Twisted Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Whipped Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Whipped Long Tail Stitch
Chain Stitch: Woven Detached Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Zig Zag Chain Stitch
Chain Stitch: Zig Zag Coral stitch Double
Chained Bar Stitch
Chained Cross Stitch
Chained Feather Stitch see Feathered Chain Stitch
Checkered Chain stitch see Magic Chain
Chevron Stitch:
Chevron Stitch: Half Chevron Stitch
Chinese Stitch see Pekinese Stitch
Closed Base Needlewoven Picot
Closed Herringbone Stitch
Cloud Filling
Coil stitch see Bullion knot
Colonial Knot
Convent stitch see Couching
Coral knot see Coral Stitch
Coral knot with extra wrap see Wrapped Coral Stitch
Coral Stitch
Coral Stitch: Wrapped Coral Stitch
Coral Stitch: Zig Zag Coral Stitch
Couching or Simple Laid Work:
Crested Chain Stitch
Cretan Stitch:
Cretan Stitch: Beaded Looped Cretan Stitch
Cretan Stitch: Knotted Cretan Stitch
Cretan Stitch: Laced Cretan see Raised Cretan Stitch
Cretan Stitch: Looped Cretan Stitch
Cretan Stitch: Open Cretan Stitch
Cretan Stitch: Raised Cretan Stitch
Crewel Stitch see Stem Stitch
Cross Stitch:
Cross Stitch: alternating see Alternating Cross Stitch
Cross Stitch: Chained Cross Stitch
Cross Stitch: Flower see Woven Cross stitch
Cross Stitch: Flower see Raised Cross Stitch Flower
Cross Stitch: Half
Cross Stitch: Quarter
Cross Stitch: Raised see Raised Cross Stitch Flower Stitch
Cross Stitch: Rice stitch
Cross Stitch: Whipped see Raised Cross Stitch Flower
Cross Stitch: Woven see Woven Cross Stitch
Crossed Buttonhole Stitch
Crossed Corners see Rice Stitch
Crossed Feather Stitch
Daisy stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Damask stitch see Satin Stitch
Darning stitch see Running Stitch
Detached Chain Stitch
Detached Chain Double see Berry Stitch
Diagonal Satin Stitch
Diamond Stitch
Disk Stitch see Buttonhole Wheel
Double Back stitch see Closed Herringbone Stitch
Double Detached Chain see Berry Stitch
Double Herringbone Stitch
Double Knot stitch see Palestrina Stitch
Double Lazy Daisy see Berry Stitch
Double Lock Stitch
Double Zig Zag Coral stitch
Damask stitch see Satin Stitch
Darning stitch see Running Stitch
Detached Chain Stitch
Detached Chain Double see Berry Stitch
Diagonal Satin Stitch
Diamond Stitch
Disk Stitch see Buttonhole Wheel
Double Back stitch see Closed Herringbone Stitch
Double Detached Chain see Berry Stitch
Double Herringbone Stitch
Double Knot stitch see Palestrina Stitch
Double Lazy Daisy see Berry Stitch
Double Lock Stitch
Double Zig Zag Coral stitch
Eastern Stitch
Eastern Stitch Beaded see Beaded Eastern Stitch
Egyptian Buttonhole see Eastern Stitch
Eastern Stitch Beaded see Beaded Eastern Stitch
Egyptian Buttonhole see Eastern Stitch
Feathered Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch and Woven Detached Chain stitches on crazy quilting
Fancy Bobbin Edging
Fancy Hem Stitch
Fancy Herringbone Stitch
Feather Stitch:
Feather Stitch: Crossed Feather Stitch
Feather Stitch: Knotted Feather Stitch
Feather Stitch: Inverted Feather Stitch
Feather Stitch: Plaited Feather Stitch
Feather Stitch: Straight Sided Feather Stitch
Feather Stitch: Triangular Feather Stitch
Feathered Chain Stitch
Feathered Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Fern Stitch
Figure eight knot see Colonial Knot
Figure eight stitch see Raised Cretan Stitch
Fly Stitch:
Fly Stitch: Italian see Italian Border Stitch
French dot see French Knot
French Knot
Fancy Hem Stitch
Fancy Herringbone Stitch
Feather Stitch:
Feather Stitch: Crossed Feather Stitch
Feather Stitch: Knotted Feather Stitch
Feather Stitch: Inverted Feather Stitch
Feather Stitch: Plaited Feather Stitch
Feather Stitch: Straight Sided Feather Stitch
Feather Stitch: Triangular Feather Stitch
Feathered Chain Stitch
Feathered Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Fern Stitch
Figure eight knot see Colonial Knot
Figure eight stitch see Raised Cretan Stitch
Fly Stitch:
Fly Stitch: Italian see Italian Border Stitch
French dot see French Knot
French Knot
Half Chevron Stitch worked in hand dyed cotton perle #5
Half Buttonhole Wheel
Half Chevron Stitch
Half Cross Stitch
Hedebo Beaded Edge see Beaded Hedebo Edge
Herringbone Ladder Filling see Raised Cretan Stitch
Herringbone Stitch:
Herringbone Stitch: Beaded Herringbone
Herringbone Stitch: Buttonholed Herringbone
Herringbone Stitch: Closed Herringbone Stitch
Herringbone Stitch: Double back see Closed Herringbone Stitch
Herringbone Stitch: Double Herringbone 1
Herringbone Stitch: Fancy Herringbone Stitch
Herringbone Stitch: Raised Herringbone Band
Herringbone Square
Half Chevron Stitch
Half Cross Stitch
Hedebo Beaded Edge see Beaded Hedebo Edge
Herringbone Ladder Filling see Raised Cretan Stitch
Herringbone Stitch:
Herringbone Stitch: Beaded Herringbone
Herringbone Stitch: Buttonholed Herringbone
Herringbone Stitch: Closed Herringbone Stitch
Herringbone Stitch: Double back see Closed Herringbone Stitch
Herringbone Stitch: Double Herringbone 1
Herringbone Stitch: Fancy Herringbone Stitch
Herringbone Stitch: Raised Herringbone Band
Herringbone Square
Indian herringbone stitch see Double Herringbone Stitch (version 1)
Interlaced Cable Chain Stitch
Interlaced Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Interwoven Cross Stitch see Woven Cross Stitch
Inverted Feather Stitch
Italian Border Stitch
Italian Knot Stitch see Pistil Stitch
Interlaced Cable Chain Stitch
Interlaced Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Interwoven Cross Stitch see Woven Cross Stitch
Inverted Feather Stitch
Italian Border Stitch
Italian Knot Stitch see Pistil Stitch
Kikos Flower
Knot stitch see Bullion knot
Knotted Buttonhole Stitch
Knotted Buttonhole Band
Knotted Cable Chain Stitch
Knotted Chained feather stitch see Knotted Feather Stitch
Knotted Cretan Stitch
Knotted Feather Stitch
Knotted Knot stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Knotted Loop Stitch
Knotted stitch see Coral Stitch
Knotted stitch see French Knot Stitch
Kogin see Running Stitch
Kikos Flower
Knot stitch see Bullion knot
Knotted Buttonhole Stitch
Knotted Buttonhole Band
Knotted Cable Chain Stitch
Knotted Chained feather stitch see Knotted Feather Stitch
Knotted Cretan Stitch
Knotted Feather Stitch
Knotted Knot stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Knotted Loop Stitch
Knotted stitch see Coral Stitch
Knotted stitch see French Knot Stitch
Kogin see Running Stitch
Laced Cretan Stitch see Raised Cretan Stitch
Laced Herringbone Square
Laid Work see Couching
Lazy daisy stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Linked Chain Stitch
Linked Double Chain
Lock Stitch
Lock Stitch: Beaded Lock Stitch
Lock Stitch: Double Lock Stitch
Long Armed Palestrina see Palestrina Stitch
Long Armed Feather stitch see Cretan Stitch
Long Armed Fly Stitch see Fly Stitch
Long Legged Chain stitch see Long Tail Chain Stitch
Long Legged Palestrina see Palestrina Stitch
Long Tack Knot Stitch see Pistil Stitch
Long Tail Chain Stitch
Long Tail Chain Stitch Whipped
Loop Stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Looped Cretan Stitch
Laced Herringbone Square
Laid Work see Couching
Lazy daisy stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Linked Chain Stitch
Linked Double Chain
Lock Stitch
Lock Stitch: Beaded Lock Stitch
Lock Stitch: Double Lock Stitch
Long Armed Palestrina see Palestrina Stitch
Long Armed Feather stitch see Cretan Stitch
Long Armed Fly Stitch see Fly Stitch
Long Legged Chain stitch see Long Tail Chain Stitch
Long Legged Palestrina see Palestrina Stitch
Long Tack Knot Stitch see Pistil Stitch
Long Tail Chain Stitch
Long Tail Chain Stitch Whipped
Loop Stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Looped Cretan Stitch
Magic Chain Stitch
Mirrored Buttonhole see Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Mossoul stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Mirrored Buttonhole see Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Mossoul stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Needlewoven Picot leaf see Closed Base Needlewoven Picot
Needlewoven Picot Open Base see Open Needlewoven Picot
Needlewoven Picot Open Base see Open Needlewoven Picot
Old English knot stitch see Palestrina Stitch
Open Base Needlewoven Picot
Open Cretan Stitch
Open loop stitch see Fly Stitch
Outlined Satin Stitch
Oyster Stitch
Oyster Stitch: Beaded Oyster Stitch
Open Base Needlewoven Picot
Open Cretan Stitch
Open loop stitch see Fly Stitch
Outlined Satin Stitch
Oyster Stitch
Oyster Stitch: Beaded Oyster Stitch
Padded Satin Stitch
Palestrina Stitch
Pattern Darning see Running stitch
Pekinese Stitch
Persian stitch see Cretan Stitch
Persian stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Picot stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Pistil Stitch
Plaited Feather Stitch
Plaited stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Point de chainette see Chain Stitch
Point de marque see Cross Stitch
Point de sable see Back Stitch
Porto Rico rose see Bullion Knot
Portuguese Knotted Stem Stitch see Portuguese Stem Stitch
Portuguese Border Stitch
Portuguese Stem Stitch
Post stitch see Bullion Knot
Pulled Buttonhole Wheel
Pulled Satin Stitch
Palestrina Stitch
Pattern Darning see Running stitch
Pekinese Stitch
Persian stitch see Cretan Stitch
Persian stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Picot stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Pistil Stitch
Plaited Feather Stitch
Plaited stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Point de chainette see Chain Stitch
Point de marque see Cross Stitch
Point de sable see Back Stitch
Porto Rico rose see Bullion Knot
Portuguese Knotted Stem Stitch see Portuguese Stem Stitch
Portuguese Border Stitch
Portuguese Stem Stitch
Post stitch see Bullion Knot
Pulled Buttonhole Wheel
Pulled Satin Stitch
Rice stitch worked in a freeform contemporary manner in a mix of threads on even weave linen
Raised Chain Stitch V1
Raised Chain Stitch V2
Raised Cretan stitch
Raised Cross Stitch Flower Stitch
Raised Cup Stitch
Raised Herringbone Band
Raised Knot Stitch see Square Boss Stitch
Raised spider’s web wheel see whipped spiders wheel
Raised Spokes see Whipped Spoke Stitch
Reversed Buttonhole Bar
Ribbed Stitch see Whipped Spoke Stitch
Ribbed Wheel see Whipped Spiders Wheel
Rice Stitch
Rope stitch
Running Stitch:
Russian cross stitch see Herringbone stitch
Russian stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Raised Chain Stitch V2
Raised Cretan stitch
Raised Cross Stitch Flower Stitch
Raised Cup Stitch
Raised Herringbone Band
Raised Knot Stitch see Square Boss Stitch
Raised spider’s web wheel see whipped spiders wheel
Raised Spokes see Whipped Spoke Stitch
Reversed Buttonhole Bar
Ribbed Stitch see Whipped Spoke Stitch
Ribbed Wheel see Whipped Spiders Wheel
Rice Stitch
Rope stitch
Running Stitch:
Russian cross stitch see Herringbone stitch
Russian stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Sailors Edge Stitch
Sailors Stitch
Sampler stitch see Cross Stitch
Satin Stitch
Satin Stitch: Diagonal Satin Stitch
Satin Stitch: Outlined Satin Stitch
Satin Stitch: Padded Satin Stitch
Satin Stitch: Raised see Outlined Satin Stitch
Satin Stitch: Slanted see Diagonal Satin Stitch
Scroll Stitch
Shadow Stitch see Closed Herringbone Stitch
Sheaf Stitch
Shell Chain Stitch
Siennese Stitch
Single Coral Stitch see Feather Stitch
Single Feather Stitch see Feather Stitch
Single knotted line stitch see Scroll Stitch
Single Wheatear see Wheatear Stitch
Slanted Satin stitch see Diagonal Satin Stitch
Slipped Cable Chain Stitch
Slipped Detached Chain Stitch
Smyrna stitch see Palestrina Stitch
Snail trail see Coral stitch
Sorbello Stitch
South Kensington Stitch see Stem Stitch
Spanish Feather Stitch
Spanish Knotted Feather stitch see Spanish Feather Stitch
Spiked Knotted Cable Chain
Square Boss Stitch
Square Herringbone see Herringbone Square Stitch
Stalk stitch see Stem Stitch
Star eyelet stitch see Algerian Eye
Star stitch see Algerian Eye
Stem Stitch
Straight Sided Feather Stitch
String of Pearls see Coral Stitch
Stroke stitch see Straight stitch
Sailors Stitch
Sampler stitch see Cross Stitch
Satin Stitch
Satin Stitch: Diagonal Satin Stitch
Satin Stitch: Outlined Satin Stitch
Satin Stitch: Padded Satin Stitch
Satin Stitch: Raised see Outlined Satin Stitch
Satin Stitch: Slanted see Diagonal Satin Stitch
Scroll Stitch
Shadow Stitch see Closed Herringbone Stitch
Sheaf Stitch
Shell Chain Stitch
Siennese Stitch
Single Coral Stitch see Feather Stitch
Single Feather Stitch see Feather Stitch
Single knotted line stitch see Scroll Stitch
Single Wheatear see Wheatear Stitch
Slanted Satin stitch see Diagonal Satin Stitch
Slipped Cable Chain Stitch
Slipped Detached Chain Stitch
Smyrna stitch see Palestrina Stitch
Snail trail see Coral stitch
Sorbello Stitch
South Kensington Stitch see Stem Stitch
Spanish Feather Stitch
Spanish Knotted Feather stitch see Spanish Feather Stitch
Spiked Knotted Cable Chain
Square Boss Stitch
Square Herringbone see Herringbone Square Stitch
Stalk stitch see Stem Stitch
Star eyelet stitch see Algerian Eye
Star stitch see Algerian Eye
Stem Stitch
Straight Sided Feather Stitch
String of Pearls see Coral Stitch
Stroke stitch see Straight stitch
Tall chain stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Tambour stitch see Chain Stitch
Thorn Stitch see Knotted Feather Stitch
Threaded Cable Chain
Tied coral stitch see Palestrina Stitch
Tied loop stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Top Knotted Buttonhole
Triangular Buttonhole
Triangular Buttonhole: Beaded Triangular buttonhole
Triangular Feather Stitch
Triple Chain Stitch
Tulip Stitch see Slipped Detached Chain stitch
Turkman Stitch
Twilling Stitch see Palestrina Stitch
Twisted Chain
Twisted daisy border see Basque Stitch
Twisted daisy stitch see Basque Stitch
Twisted knot stitch see French Knot
Twisted Lattice Band
Twisted Satin Stitch
Twisted Satin Stitch with a bead
Twisted Zigzag Chain stitch see Spanish Feather Stitch
Tambour stitch see Chain Stitch
Thorn Stitch see Knotted Feather Stitch
Threaded Cable Chain
Tied coral stitch see Palestrina Stitch
Tied loop stitch see Detached Chain Stitch
Top Knotted Buttonhole
Triangular Buttonhole
Triangular Buttonhole: Beaded Triangular buttonhole
Triangular Feather Stitch
Triple Chain Stitch
Tulip Stitch see Slipped Detached Chain stitch
Turkman Stitch
Twilling Stitch see Palestrina Stitch
Twisted Chain
Twisted daisy border see Basque Stitch
Twisted daisy stitch see Basque Stitch
Twisted knot stitch see French Knot
Twisted Lattice Band
Twisted Satin Stitch
Twisted Satin Stitch with a bead
Twisted Zigzag Chain stitch see Spanish Feather Stitch
Up and down blanket stitch see Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch
Up and Down Buttonhole stitch
Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch Alternating
Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch Alternating Beaded
Up and down Buttonhole Stitch feathered
Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch Interlaced
Up and Down Feathered Buttonhole
Upright Arrow stitch see Arrowhead stitch
Up and Down Buttonhole stitch
Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch Alternating
Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch Alternating Beaded
Up and down Buttonhole Stitch feathered
Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch Interlaced
Up and Down Feathered Buttonhole
Upright Arrow stitch see Arrowhead stitch
Vandyke chain stitch see Zigzag Chain Stitch
Vandyke Stitch
Vandyke Stitch Beaded
Vandyke Stitch with Bullion
Vandyke Stitch
Vandyke Stitch Beaded
Vandyke Stitch with Bullion
Wheatear Detached see Wheatear stitch
Wheatear Stitch
Wheel stitch see Buttonhole Wheel
Whipped Chain Version 1
Whipped Chain Version 2
Whipped Cross Stitch see Raised Cross Stitch Flower
Whipped Double Chain Stitch
Whipped Long Tail Chain
Whipped Spider’s Wheel see Whipped Wheel Stitch
Whipped Spoke Stitch
Whipped Wheel Stitch
William and Mary Stitch see Rice stitch
Witch stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Worm stitch see Bullion knot
Wound stitch see French Knot
Woven Chained bar
Woven Cross Stitch
Woven Detached Chain Stitch
Woven Leaf see Closed Base Needlewoven Picot
Woven Trellis Stitch
Woven Zig-zag Chain
Wrapped Coral Stitch
Wheatear Stitch
Wheel stitch see Buttonhole Wheel
Whipped Chain Version 1
Whipped Chain Version 2
Whipped Cross Stitch see Raised Cross Stitch Flower
Whipped Double Chain Stitch
Whipped Long Tail Chain
Whipped Spider’s Wheel see Whipped Wheel Stitch
Whipped Spoke Stitch
Whipped Wheel Stitch
William and Mary Stitch see Rice stitch
Witch stitch see Herringbone Stitch
Worm stitch see Bullion knot
Wound stitch see French Knot
Woven Chained bar
Woven Cross Stitch
Woven Detached Chain Stitch
Woven Leaf see Closed Base Needlewoven Picot
Woven Trellis Stitch
Woven Zig-zag Chain
Wrapped Coral Stitch
Y’ stitch see Fly Stitch
Julian's quilt....read about Julian and how much he loves his quilt:
To see photos of children still needing quilts:
Michele Bilyeu Quilts With Heart and Hands for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Join in my Liberated Quilting Challenge...and buy or donate a quilt, today!! We are changing the world...one little quilt at a time.Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska. Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge and make or donate small art quilts to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!
Awesome list. I'll be checking some of these out later. What a wonderful thing to be making these squares for children.
Popping in to see what you've been up to this week. Great post and definitely a worthwhile cause. Great list of needlecraft sites also *VBS* Hugs, Finn
Wow Michelle, are you my US twin? LOL. I've also made quilts for Quilts 4 kids and Quilts of Love, from the donated cross stitch blocks. I You've been busy with your quilts too, blessing others and thanks for stopping by at my blog with your lovely words of encouragement.
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