The maniacal, magical, merriment of my holiday happiness continues. As Finn as said, we are all Heading into the Christmas countdown... All but one of the children are home and the last is on her way. The holiday goodies came out and were displayed upon my quickly serged Christmas counter cloth and a feast was had by all. The old stories retold, and new ones shared and all the Christmas hopes and plan's are being plotted and planned. It's definitely beginning to feel a lot like Christmas... :)
The little limping Viking 500 is like the "Little Engine That Could". She's still chugging up hill with such a determined expression to her humming while the dependable serger is Serging Ahead Towards Christmas at high speed and full throttle!
Su Bee thought it was a weather system coming in from the North but she finally figured t that it was smoke from my sweat shop. She's all excited 'cuz we're only days away from Christmas Eve, a full moon, AND my (ahem) birthday and as she says "OMG - I wanna play!!!"
So Su Bee, and all of the rest of your wonderful wonky women, if you decided not to do any Christmas sewing this's not too late to burn the midnight oil, get your motors running, and head on down the highway to fun and frolic.
Angie has her Charlie Brown tree all decorated (ok, so she went over to the dark side of artifice this year, but if you check out her site, it sure is pretty.) And she begged some info on my All Tied Up With Heartstrings strip pieced hearts for her own last minute gifts.
I have now completed these three completed 'Tea For Two' sets shown above and am working on two more. Everyone gets a teapot and two little cups plus a tea cozy, hotpads and cloth napkins. Add to that A Short Cut Through Time: Daisy Kingdom apron set for another gift and I'm on a roll.
Now Debi of Debi Quilts, in on a 'jelly roll' roll and is stacking them up like lovely little gifts just ready to be opened up and enjoyed with great anticipation. Debi is a talented quilter with a wonderfully giving heart. She sews from stash with dibs and dabs too and endlessly feels for and gives to others. And when she brings out her fabric and gets quilting, her quilts are a sight to behold. She's made so many, and still has scraps to spare, so she's filling up a friend's B & B with them, now!
Speaking of 'on roll'. You should see the beautiful quilts that Quiltdivajulie has been making for Ami Simms and Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative. Now, I completed all 6 of my little fabric art post cards for the "Priority: Alzheimer's Quilts" project, and they've all arrived but they missed the December auction and by the time they're number comes up who knows if anyone will remember to bid on them. I'm my own mother's daughter and yes, we do make jokes about memory loss with Alzheimer's.
Speaking of memory loss, I've totally loss track of how many cloth napkins and potholders I've made for Christmas. They're easy and they're fun. They're my 'one size fits all' gift for any and all occasions. I think people may wonder about me sometimes, I keep making them and giving them away. But potholders are one of those things most people truly use. And I haven't met anyone yet who didn't have at least one whose stuffings were coming out and had burned spots.
So, if you haven't felt like sewing for Christmas, come and join in the fun.Make a little fabric ornament, hem some napkins or create a potholder! You still have at least 5 more days 'til Christmas. ;)
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