Most accurate version on the web:
If you watched Oprah on Monday, Nov. 5th, you watched her drink a tall green glass of Dr. Mehmet Oz's 'Green Drink' and if you were like me, you tried to write down the recipe as fast as you could. Oprah's web page originally listed only the ingredients, and not the amounts and they had one ingredient wrong, besides! But, but I had a taping of the show, and being 'Sleepless in Salem" I rewatched it three times...and his exact recipe is as follows:
Dr. Mehmet Oz's Green Drink Recipe (as seen on Oprah!)
4 stalks celery
1 large apple
1 medium cucumber
1 cup of spinach
1 sprig of parsley
1 lemon
1 lime
1/2" piece of ginger
This recipe serves 2.
Dr. Mehmet Oz's Green Drink Recipe (posted later: Oprah.com)
2 cups spinach
2 cups cucumber
1 head of celery
1/2 inch or teaspoon ginger root
1 bunch parsley
2 apples
Juice of 1 lime
Juice of 1/2 lemon
After everything is combined in a blender, this recipe makes 28 to 30 ounces—about three to four servings
Dr.Oz's Cod Liver Oil Drink
Dr. Oz's second drink might not be as pleasant, but it's still important—a shot of cod liver oil. "First of all, cod liver oil has the right kind of vitamin D in it—vitamin D3. That's why people who live in the north lands who don't get any sun at all can still survive. It's got the healthy fats that you want in it," Dr. Oz says about its benefits.
Dr. Oz drinks it every morning, adding a shot glass sized dose of cod liver oil with a squeeze of lemon. He drinks it along with his morning Green Juice Drink, every day, in the separate shot glass, on the side.
Oprah, took a sip of Dr.Oz's Green Drink recipe and was pleasantly surprised. "It's a glass of fresh!" she exclaimed. And she went on to continue her sipping for the rest of the show! Dr. Oz is currently proclaiming the benefits of his anti-aging lifestyle plan which can be found in his new book, simply titled "You".
Dr. Oz used the term 'blender' both on the show and on Oprah's web page. But to many people a blender is actually what is called a 'juicer'.
A juicer has a much more powerful motor than a typical blender and is able to handle raw fruits and vegetable, even with their skins on. Many people prefer the added health benefits and include the raw skins such as those of apple and cucumber in their juiced drinks. There is a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals in the skins.
Most people, prefer to only use the juice of a squeezed lemon or lime, however, as they can be quite tart. For additional sweetness, Dr. Oz recommends increasing the amount of apple or adding a peeled banana. He never advocated adding artificial sweeteners or drinks of any kind.
Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen encourage people to stay away from simple sugars like high fructose corn syrup . While sugar substitute (like aspartame, saccharin and Splenda) have not been proven to be dangerous, Dr. Oz says they also haven't been proven to promote weight loss.
"When you have a sugar substitute, your brain knows that you're not really taking calories in. It can't be tricked. At the end of the day, you're still going to get your calories," he says. "There's a lot of data behind this. Don't think that by taking a diet food that has a sugar replacement in it that you're actually going to be able to lose weight because of that. That's not how it works. Artificial sweeteners do not lead to weight loss, unless it's the only way to get you off the simple sugars that we have in our drinks all the time."
Dr. Oz encourages people to drink 100 percent fruit juice. Despite their high calories, these juices have valuable nutrients. "You're only going to be able to diet long-term if you aim at a hundred calories. Don't try to lose 500 a day," he says. "You can cut a hundred calories a day just by being smarter in what you eat." It's these healthy benefits of his green juice drink that is all part of his own daily plan for good health and a long life.
Dr. Oz and Oprah
*It is considered a violation of blogging principles to copy a blogger's entire post, making their words therefore appear to be your own. Please feel free to copy the recipes but not my own words about the recipe and then link directly to my this post. Thanks! http://with-heart-and-hands.blogspot.com/
Yes, it sound like "fresh" and it also sounds like "healthy"! There was a time when I blended up anything green I could put my hands on and added a carrot or an apple for sweetness. As I recall, my husband announced he wasn't going to drink the sludge anymore. (He also refuses to eat granola which he refers to as "horse food".) I still go for the granola but I haven't made vegetable juice in a while. Maybe I'll give him a scare.
Thanks for the recipe and amounts! I saw the show too and of course wanted to try the drink today and found your blog while I was searching.....fresh food/quilting/sewing...a great combination so I'm glad I found it! I will make it today and see who in my family will be brave with me and try it!! LOL! Have a blessed day!
Thanks for printing the "green drink" recipe. I went on the Oprah website, because I couldn't write the recipe fast enough, and was disappointed to see it only listed the items in the recipe.
Oprah's pretty honest about the taste of things so it's defintely worth a try.
Thanks for "taking one for the team" and watching your tape a few times to get the recipe down and then posting it for all of us!! :o) I am wondering tho, do you toss in the whole lemon and lime or do you juice them first?? I'm just not sure if the rind should go into the blender or not.
I too wanted to say "thanks", as I was writing as fast as I could as well. Like the other person asked, I too was wondering about the peel of the fruits. I decided to peel them, as the drink looked thinner, rather than thicker on the show. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.
I updated with: Due to the fact that majority of vitamins and minerals are in the skins of most fruit and vegetables, I'm guessing he truly means 'toss it all into a blender'...skin, seeds and all!
The recipe includes 1 cup of spinach and a large apple.
I'd love to know if you leave the peel on the lemon & lime.
You use only the juice of the lemon and lime
I made this recipe using a juicer. It really is delicious! A lot sweeter than one would think!!
I used 2 handfuls of spinach, a large apple, some baby carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1/2 cucumber, some parsley, 1/2 lemon with the peel on!,& 1/2 inch of ginger root.
It is interestly sweet with a nice finish. There is a slight ginger taste - not too strong for me. The lemon with the peel, left the drink with a wonderful citrus zest. I recommend it highly! 2 of my boys tried it and liked it. My 6 year old opts to have apple lemon only now. I guess the green/orange looked a little strange to him - but I hope it grows on my family! Then again, to drink it every day would be rather expensive with the amount of fruits and veggies we go through as it is. But, it feels really good to drink something so healthy!
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