St. Patrick's Day may be officially over, but the need for a "Good Luck Karma Quilt" never runs out. Hence, my current community quilting project. For those of you following my 'progress', you know that it's actually my Community Service Quilting Project after the Quilt Police took my machine away and put it into de-programming and me into rehab.
I have promised to be on my best behavior and follow my own advice (from now on!) at my local Quilters' Anonymous meeting. You all have check off lists. Now, I do, too!
My 12 Steps to "Quilting Addiction Freedom"
1. I have admitted my powerlessness over my quilting addiction. It got so bad, that "bad became the new good."
2. I believe that it will take a power greater than myself to restore any ressemblance to sanity on my part. I have proven this with rotary cutter in hand and frequent power surges.
3. I have made the decision to turn myself and my machine over to the Sewing Machine Protective Services for de-programming and rehab. She is now clean, and I am working on it.
4. I made a searching and fearless inventory of myself, my stash, and my strings and crumbs trash. I found myself guilty of storing and hoarding.
5. I admitted to the world the nature of my wrongs, and because I am directionally challenged, assumed that "wrong was the new right" and therefore, totally lost my own sense of inner direction.
6. I admitted that I was ready for all forms of Higher Powers, the Quilt Police and the Husky Varnians to remove not only my defects but my poor overused Viking from the chaos of lack of control.
7. I humbly asked for removal of shortcomings. This included all accumulated detritus ...lint, threads, and tips of broken needles. I then asked for clearer vision, a stronger more flexble back and the ability to sit longer without complaining.
8. I made a list of all of the sewing machines I had harmed. They go back to age 12, and my first machine that is still missing a belt and has a limping treadle.
9. I made direct amends. I paid a heavy price for the clean up and repair crew to sanitize the crime area and restore it all to its original order and I faced the comments of the shame squad.
10.I have continued to take personal inventory by admitting crimes of stash and dash, stash and trash and even dash and trash the stash. Some people even call this 'light housekeeping.'
11. I have sought help through meditation and/or prayer as I know them. I've been on my knees for so long, I can actually now sew "ambi-kneepad-ably."
12. I have reached a higher place of understanding and enlightenment ( I figured out how to pad my sewing chair for greater heights and increased digital leverage and can literally sew on my serger standing up) and sought to share those understandings with others.
My conclusion:
It's been a hard and challenging path to enlightenment. I accept my roll as a guide for all the "do what I say and not what I do's" in the quilting world. I humbly admit I am a community quilting charity case and not a quilting perfection in progress. I liketo see myself as a pioneer woman. One who can still sew in padded handcuffs, with a tracking pincushion and a foot pedal barricade.
If I don't sit down while I stand up for quilters everywhere, who else is going to do it?
Now this is a 12-step program!
"Hello, my name is Angela, and I am a quilting addict." Or isn't that what they say at the beginning of 12 step program meetings? Thank you for a much needed giggle today -- now I need to go play with some fabric. Addicted? not me!
But you have to WANT to change.....
Wow - more food for thought. I think I'm going to have mull these 12 steps over while playing with my stash. Excuse while I leave the room . . .
While keeping an eye on all the routes I can exit by, I humble bow to the great good in you. I stand in admiration...and would happily sit while you stand up for quilters everywhere.
Not having achieved quite the magnificant level of enlightment you have, I'll keep watching from the edges. I've never been a jump in person, I'm a rim rider you know..*VBS*
But yes, a pioneer in spirit and in most of my realities..LOL I've managed to dodge nearly all the creatures of authority and policing duties. I've had some narrow escapes, but I'm still mostly free..*G* I've known the wrath of the repair man, but have gotten around that by having Betsy's husband drop off and pick up my machine along with hers *VBG*. Works well!!
My machine mania goes back to age 15 when my Dad bought me a litte hometown, local furniture store machine. I've never looked back.
I find your 12 step program very interesting and certainly will take it under advisement. Sending as much liberating hugs as you can use. Hugs, Finn
Thanks for stopping by my blog! And thanks for the 12-step program LOL! I know I really NEED to join Quilters Anonymous--but you know, ya really have to WANT to quit!!!! Have a great weekend.
LOL This is exactly why you keep being nominated for the award by so many bloggers!
Hilarity at its best!
*karendianne./ Living Life at LeeHaven
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