1) rickety, shaky, wobbly, wonky; inclined to shake as from weakness or defect;
"a rickety table"; "a wobbly chair with shaky legs"; "the ladder felt a little wobbly"; "the bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky"
2) askew, awry(p), cockeyed, lopsided, wonky, skew-whiffturned or twisted toward one side; "a...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry"- G.K.Chesterton; "his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff"
The emails are coming in..... with so many sisters that I didn't even know that I had! Busloads of quilters in stitches are meandering across my borders, all hooting and hollering, hot flashing and staying up all hours of the night and dragging their sewing machines by day, to join my on-going "Wonky Women Club." And those who wrote who were not yet "hot", long to be so, if only for the chance to be free, liberated, full of energy, and not having to follow all of the patterns and rules. Apparently, the common bond that joins us is a bit on the wobbly side, we tend to be a bit lop-sided and slightly askew, but we are all on a power surge high and entering into the magical circle of wild, whacky, wonderful and wise women!
I have attempted to send out official certificates to all of the members who have asked to be inducted so far, but some of you.... who have switched from the old to the new blogger.... are coming up with email addresses of 'no reply.' Change your preferences ladies, start your engines and wait...she comes to a screeching halt...before you grab your I. D. badges and run..you should know..wonky is derived from/related to 'wench.' And wench apparently would indicated a direct relationship with the loose woman of the last post, as opposed to my previous disclaimer that I was 'not a loose woman." Apparently, I am! ;)
Ms. Merriam Webster says that wench is a noun, from the Middle English 'wenche' akin to the Old High German 'wankon', to totter, to waver and 'winchan' to stagger...with more, I have to say, to be found at 'wink.' Ladies, I swear to you, I don't make this stuff up. It doesn't get any better than this... to be a hot, flashy, perpetually power surged middle-aged woman and to know that I am surrounded by kindred spirits and connected by our heartstrings from one group to another like a little web of interwoven blocks. And not only are we free-spirited wenches.... endlessy creating liberated log cabins, and colorful heartstrings.... but we get winked at too!
Grab your ginghers, turn on your power sergers, haul sewing machine, kick pedal and call out...."Skew-iff !"
Wild and Crazy?? I am a Wonky Wonked Woman!
well, count me in on this! though I do not need a certificate-all my friends already know how wonky and wild a quilter I am capable of being!
I'm going to love visiting your blog! I will patiently wait to officially join the group. But until then I will be an "wench-in-training."
A Wonky Wench??? Even BETTER!!! Man, those are going to be bar none the BEST meetings ever in history!! We need a Wonky Wench hat or something.....
BTW - the Tussel over the Antique quilt in my blog would have been monumental! HA HA _ I like to see you try! LOL LOL LOL!!
This is hilarious. I liked all of the words in this post, especially "skew-whiffturned " Except for that weakness or defect part which you would have to prove. There's an official certificate?!?!
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