Someone put a hex on me....
I caught the weird headache, coughing, sinus congestion virus that's super going around and I've been under my favorite quilts and feeling more than a little hexy, hexagonally reclined and/or somebody put a hex on me.... and I'm not just talking quilts!
So, as I was airing my wonderful quilt above..that's my excuse for the quilt being pulled out from the quilt cupboard and laying out nice and flat on the bed ......(and me being under it) own kind of airing of the quilts ;)
I was reminded of some updating that I wanted to do on my super duper hexagon quilt patterns, papers and tutorial links page and just thought.....heck, just redo it under as a new post on this blog and have it serve as a blog post update and a new post with not much fuss ! So, I am!
And yes! The airing under the quilt did me a world of doctors, no drugs, just natural healing and quilt therapy! Everyone in blogland with this virus are still miserable....bless their hearts! So, glad that I was able to shoo it out and away in a couple of days!!! Stay healthy and make a hexagon quilting project, instead!
In geometry, a hexagon is a polygon with six edges and six vertices. In nature, it appears in honeycombs, in a turtle's carapace, on the North pole of the planet Saturn, in the micrograph of a snowflake, and in the naturally formed basalt columns form Giant's Causeway in Ireland.
A hexagon is the only shape that will fit inside of a six sided star or Saturn star (also known as Magan's (Magen's, Mogan's) Star, which is considered the most powerful symbol in the occult. And by the occult, I mean that which has hidden energies not obvious to the human eye, not something that is necessarily evil. However, it comes as no surprise that we talk of 'putting a hex' on others in regards to magical incantations of ill omen. And thus, the hexagon has often been used throughout history and through timed as a carrier of these magical energies.

However, on the flip side, all energies also carry their reverse or polar opposite within, so it also no surprise that the Magan, or Mogan Star can also become the most beautiful of shapes long been held in high esteem by those who love fiber art handicrafts of all kinds.
And, when you connect alternate points of a hexagon, it gives you a hexagram, or a six pointed star, usually called the Star of in the Magen David star quilt, shown above.
English Paper Piecing 1 Inch Hex Triple Ring Flower Pattern FREE to Download
Six circles will fit around a seventh (of the same diameter) dividing the circumference into six equal parts, and the radius of a circle exactly divides into the circumference into six parts creating the six petaled rose we so often see in quilts.
Double Ring Hexagon Quilt Pattern FREE to Download Single Ring Hexagon Quilt Pattern FREE to Download
English Paper Piecing
English Paper Piecing

Machine sew & flip hexagon tutorial!
Free Grandmothers Flower Garden Quilt Pattern With History\
Free Online Graph Paper / Grid Paper PDFsFree Pattern - English Paper Piecing - Cia's Palette Online Fabric

And watch how Anina over at Twiddletails uses Cia's link to print her templates off on freezer paper and then gives us a free tutorial for that whole process.
Fresh Produce Hexagons Pattern FREE to Download
Other fun projects:
Lucy's hexagons.
Hexagon Caterpillar Bookmarks! from Shelly
Quilted Hexie Pouches – Two Free Tutorials -
Hexamania....cutting and tips in general are free...she sells these below as patterns now (no longer free) if you can't figure out how to make them on your own. But look at what wonderful ideas she has!
(mMore fun links for projects at bottom of post!)
Honeycomb version spacing...
Hexagonal PDF Generator
The variations of hexagonal shapes is endless, especially when combined with triangles, polygons, or other geometric shapes.
English Paper Piecing Finishing Methods Pattern FREE to Download
Free Hexagon Printables from Moxy, below:
Also check out her site for lots of other fun informtion:
english paper piecing « *Snippets and Blabbery and her tutorial on ~hand-sewn hexagons~
free template sheets to download, also from Moxy:
3/4 in. hexagon sheet
7/8 in. hexagon sheet
1 in. hexagon sheet
1.5 in. hexagon sheet
1.5 in. triangle sheet
However! If you want spacing and you will need's a fabulous set of hints for creating your own A4 sized paper hexagon pattern..for free!
Other fun links:
Sunshine Creations Tutorial on English Paper Piecing
Hexagon Tutorial by Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville
How to Make a Hexagon Quilt
Grandmothers Flower Garden Quilt, Honeycomb & Hexagon Quilts
Quilting The Kaye Wood Way - Hexagons
Hexagon Medallion Quilt
Art or Liberated quilters! Free hexie quilt download project from Quilting Arts and
Free Patchwork Quilt Project #3 Mini Hexagon Quilt by Malka Dubrawsky
Shown at very top as it airs in the trees:
Hand sewn, hand quilted, old fashioned hexagon diamonds quilt undergoing airing. Keep quilts out of the sun...or air under plain sheets , either hanging or sandwiched flat on the ground to avoid creases or sun damage when you air them!
Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska and all of her AAQI Quilting. Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge and make or donate small art quilts to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!
WOW, Michele--Hexagon-mania has hit you! I cut my freezer paper hexagons on my GO!Baby die cutter from the small size and then, my fabrics from the next size up! A real time saver and no pinning needed...I hope you feel better soon...Julierose
Hooray for the Healing power of a Hexagon quilt!
wow! these are AWESOME ideas. I just joined a hexie CLUB and I like those moda bags, though that's a 2" hexie, I'll work with 3"....which will be lots of other shapes inside the hexie.... neat ideas anyways, I bookmarked this
Oh my! Who would have thought all that from one simple shape?
Glad you got over your "bug" quickly!
wow what a great load of info on hexagons. When I read what Magan meant.....I remembered my daughter Megan. She has beautiful eyes like blue hexagons. LOL seriously.
I don't quilt but do some machine sewing and cross stitching. You really do such beautiful work.
Met you many years ago at the Salem Guild meeting. You were so encouraging about the Prayer flag. And we talked about Minot. Thank you for serving.
What a lifetime you have had. Only in this Blessed country.......
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