Feb 22, 2015

Quilting Acronyms: Updated 2015

Quilting Acronyms
©original list by
Michele Bilyeu

Please 'Link To' Only: Quilting Acronyms: Updated 2015
My own compilation after years of saves and many of these I came up with!

    (RIP: AAQI=The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative which ran from 2006 through 2013)
    • APQ=Auto Pilot Quilting: few decisions required.Shift into no brainer mode if you have that speed
    • ATC=Artist Trading Card used as an exchange between both paper and fabric artist/quilters
    • BGGD=Bagged=done deal, no regrets, just credit card bills now
    • BF=Background Fabric (thanks Quiltshopgal in SoCal)
    • BOB=Beginner's Only Block
    • BOM=Block of the Month
    • Brain Dead Quilting=Auto Pilot quilting on overdose 
    • BSS=Basic Sewing Supplies
    • Candy Bars=Stacks of 2 1/2" x 5" fabric packs, (thanks Heidi in Germany for + on charms)
    • Charms=Small pieces of fabric, usually 5" squares or hexagons, all different fabrics in the pack
    • Charm packs=package of pre-cut charm 5" squares: Mini's are 2 1/2"squares in a pack
    • CQ=Crazy Quilting (traditional quilt pattern with embellishments)
    • COC=Cream on Cream
    • DJ=Dear Jane (a traditional quilt pattern)
    • D4P=Double Four Patch  
    • D4P/D9P/D16=Disappearing Four Patch, 9 Patch, 16 Patch and D/TTV=D/Twist/Turn Variations
    • DIC=Double Irish Chain
    • Dimes=10" squares
    • DIY=Do It Yourself
    • DSM = Domestic Sewing Machine
    • DWI=Design Wall Indecision
    • EQ=Electric Quilting software, now EQ5,6, or 7
    • F8=Fat 1/8th or 9"x 22"
    • FART = Fabric Acquisition Road Trip
    • FIU=Finish It Up
    • FLIMSY=pieced top
    • FM=Free Motion, quilting random stippling,swirls etc: w/w/o dropped feeddogs, usually on a GSM
    • FQ=Fat Quarter, 18" x 22" of fabric, sold by unit
    • Frog Stitching=rip it, rip it....ripping stitches out
    • FW=Featherweight (Singer) sewing machine
    • FW=Fusible Web (take care to iron this one, sew with the above)
    • Giterdone=Get 'er Done! Term most often used for ancient or dreaded projects
    • GFG=Grandmother's Flower Garden, a traditional quilt pattern
    • GTMA=Great Minds Think Alike
    • HP=Hand Piecing
    • HQ=Hand Quilting
    • HST=Half-Square Triangle
    • HSY=Haven't Started Yet
    • Jelly Rolls=pre-cut 21/2" x 42" fabric strips, rolled up and sold in a set
    • LA=Long Armer, professional machine quilter
    • LAQ=Long Arm Quilting machine
    • LC=Layer Cakes, a pile of co-ordinating 10" squares
    • LQ or LibQ=Liberated Quiltmaking, free form quilting without striving for precision or perfection
    • LQS=Local Quilt Shop
    • MAQ=Mid-Arm Quilter
    • Mean Sandwich=quilting with one nice comment between two mean ones
    • Mind Sorbet= a project that is easy and cleanses your creative palette.
    • Nickles=5" squares
    • NQR=Not Quilt Related, as in board or group off topic, topic and it's opposite QR
    • OBW=One-Block Wonder
    • One Night Stand=a really fast project,often unplanned,may feel good now but not so good later
    • Orphans=leftovers in LQ ,happily co-exist without judgement or prejudice of any kind in PD
    • OSMG=old sewing machine guy, your go-to fellow for repairs
    • OT=quilters talking off topic constitute 99% of classtime but you learn a lot
    • PD= Parts Dept: collaborative quilting term for pre-made blocks, sashings, bindings or trim pieces that can be put together and live in harmony in new quilts. First used by Gwen Marston and Freddy Moran in their Collaborative Quilting books.
    • PFD=fabric that is Prepared For Dying
    • PHD=Project Half Done
    • PIGS=Projects in Grocery Sacks
    • PIM=Project in Mind
    • PIPs=Project in Progress
    • PITs=Projects in Totes
    • PIW=Project in Waiting (not yet a WIP)
    • PP=Paper Piecing
    • QADD=Quilter's Attention Deficit Disorder speaks for itself. Guilty as charged! (GAC)
    • QAYG=Quilt As You Go: sewing together one QS to another to another to another
    • QS=Quilt Sandwich: Top and Bottom with batty goods in the middle to make a quilt
    • QUIMM=Quilt In My Mind (only)
    • QUTD=Question Of The Day: quilting group or board top for discussion that day
    • QR=Quilt Related and NQR: it's opposite
    • Quilt Candy=Small charm pieces of fabric, folded up to look like candy
    • QST=Quarter Square Triangles
    • RR=Round Robin (quilt exchange, passing around a group taking turns with it)
    • RS=Rote Sewing: quilters on auto pilot, drugs, or asleep at the flywheel
    • SABLE=Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy
    • SAQM=Small Arm Quilting Machine
    • SaS=Steam a Seam iron on double faced interfacing/non stitching product
    • SEX=Stash Enhancing eXperience (or eXcursion)
    • SID=Stitch In (the) Ditch, quilting technique
    • Siggies=Squares of fabric with signatures and other info on them
    • SnW=Stack 'n Whack, pile them up and cut them all at once block pattern
    • SOZZLD=SO.. ZZed.. Left Everything Disastered=for Clare (i.e.no more wine/whine)
    • SQ=Simply Quilts
    • Squishy=Envelopes filled with swap fabric or gifts sent/received in the mail
    • STASH=Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden
    • SUI=Shopping Under Influence (usually with a friend)
    • SWAN=Swap Without a Name
    • TBQ=To Be Quilted
    • TGIF=Thank Goodness It’s Finished!
    • TIC=Triple Irish Chain, a traditional quilt pattern
    • TFQ=The Fabric Queen...you know who she is.
    • TOAD=Trashed Object Abandoned in Disgust
    • TOT=Tone-on-Tone
    • TUFO=Tuesday UFO night, also WUFO etc.
    • Turnovers=6"triangles fabrics in a pack
    • UFO=UnFinished Object
    • USO=UnStarted Object
    • WHIM=Work Hidden In Mind
    • WHIMM=Work Hidden In My Mind
    • WIP=Work In Progress
    • WISP=Work In Slow Progress
    • WIVSP=Work In Very Slow Progress
    • WIWMI=Wish It Would Make Itself
    • WOA=Work Of Art
    • WOF=Width of Fabric
    • WOMBAT=Waste of Money, Batting, and Time
    • WOW=White On White
    • WWIT=What Was I Thinking
    • WWO=Going to Quilt Shop "WWO"..with or without you!
    • VIP=Very Import Project
    • YBR=Yellow Brick Road, a popular quilting pattern
    • YoYo=a circle of fabric, gathered and sewn into a puffy circle; also one who makes them
    • ZZPD=Zipped, need just a little nap before I'm BGGD..bagged
    • ZZPPD=Zapped, hit the wall, now assuming prone position

    • ZZZAPB=ZeeeZaPhotoBelow (Clare passed the wine. Clare!!)
    • 401 F=Fabric for Retirement
    • 401 P= Patterns for retirement

    But the I've got the

    © This compilation by Michele M. Bilyeu 2007,2010,2014,2015


    Brenda said...

    wow! great list. great string quilt too!

    Pat said...

    Very nice!
    I don't know if you would want to add that a charm pack is generally 5" squares. Also, perhaps add Layer cakes which are generally packs of 10" squares. Jelly rolls are generally 2.5" wide by WOF (also called noodles.

    All of the food cuts too: candy bars (2.5 x 5" rectangles), turnovers (6" triangles), and mini charm packs (2.5" squares).

    This could become never ending!
    Thanks for sharing the list.

    Scrappy quilter said...

    I love your quilt. Congrats on finishing #6.

    My dh loved FART!! Thanks for such a great list. Hugs

    Anonymous said...

    I see she had some of our basic food groups in there, some mixed in with their source product and a few new ones added in after she must have done some editing. I guess we can graze or feast at leisure now LOL

    Kelly said...

    Love the list!
    But I didn't see FM - Free-Motion!
    And my hubby says that with all the charms, layer cakes and jelly rolls it is only natural that we have "fat quarters".

    Clare said...

    Oh you clever girl! Like the way you've included LQ (smile). I'd also call frog stitching "ribbit".

    Love the quuilt too.

    Clare said...

    PS: Meant to say can you put it in the Files section?

    Finn said...

    wow is right!! Had no idea you were compiling a list of all that alphabet soup! LOL, what fun..so many I've never heard of, I must be quilting lingo challenged!
    The quilt is beautiufl and oh my gosh....it's BIG! Congrats on finish # 6. I have your explicit instructions memorized and will act upon them in due time *VBS* Love ya bunches GF!! Hugs, Finn

    Maritza said...

    El edredón está precioso!!!!.
    Necesitaría muchos años para aprenderme las abreviaturas que se utilizan en patchwork. Un beso

    Mary-Frances said...

    Great quilt and love the list - thanks for the smile!

    Quilter Going Bananas said...

    Great list Michele, posting it with a link back to you :^)

    Good luck with Finn's NYE challenge!

    suz said...

    Great list - there were some that I hadn't seen yet. Can't wait to share this with my bee.

    Shelina said...

    Your string quilt is beautiful. And huge. Congratulations on a great finish! That's a great list - not sure how you find time to make that when you've got quilts to make.

    Sue said...

    Very nice quilt and you have outdone yourself with the list. My personal favorites, besides FART of course, are the 401s. I'm really a bit concerned (or at least that's what I tell hubby) that I won't have enough stuff for retirement. Now I have a name for all that stuff. Thanks, Sue in Mi

    Shelly said...

    Your quilts and photos are so professional-looking. I love them! And that list...amazing!

    KathyE said...

    Love, love, love, your list!

    Sheila said...

    I LOVE your quilting acronyms list. I knew some of the acronyms, was guessing about several of them and was totally lost with the rest!
    Project #6 is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    Magpie Sue said...

    LOL!!! I knew most of the acronyms but a few were new to me, and a couple really made me LOL. Hadn't heard of SEX for example ;- ) Or FART either for that matter. Guess I don't get out enough. I had one not on your list that I've already forgotten. If it comes back to me I'll let you know.

    Mostly I came over to give you a big CONGRATULATIONS on finishing all ten of your NYE projects. Way to go! Of course you are our designated OA (over achiever) so we shouldn't really be surprised :- )

    elliesue said...

    I have linked both of your Free Quilt patterns and Free block patterns to my blog.
    My blog is:
    Thank you for the information on how to do it.

    Heidi said...

    Hi Michele, I have a new acronym and linked to your list :-)

    QuiltShopGal said...

    Cute. I just learned BG = Background fabric.


    IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

    I learned so much and laughed even more! Thanks sweetheart :)


    quiltmom anna said...

    This is a great list- a couple more pre- cuts are honeybuns ( 1and1/2 inch strips like a jelly roll) hay bales which are a variation name of a jelly roll and coffee cakes which are flats of jelly rolls ( 2 groups of 20 jelly roll width strips ) The world of precuts names I am sure is endless-different fabric companies use different names just to confuse us all..LOL Anyway I loved the list- I definitely laughed at Wombat and Sable . Thanks for the update.I am going to work on Kevin and Roseanne's quilt today. I should be writing report cards but will work on them this week. Hugs, A