So, the Frugal Friday Fun begins again! Paula, the quilter has already joined Finn and I in our fun. Last Friday, Paula dug out some fleece and after making two fleece vests she still had enough scraps to make dog beds for the local animal shelter. And the tiny scraps...she uses them for dust rags saying they actually work better than those expensive Swifter dusters! Way to go, Paula!!
And I think Finn really is seriously playing along now! She came up with the wording and concept and yet, I've been the one doing all of the work ;) I've been giving her a hard time about creating that title and then going out and being such A tease..... by doing some serious stash enhancement instead. Now, she's promising the big reveal stayed tuned!
I was complimenting Shasta on her Moondancing and caught a furtive glimpse of fabric that has such possibilities for use and re-use. That I just had to invite her into the fold of fellow frugal fabric funsters. Now, Shasta says she'll join in the fun ....but that she has no idea of what one wears to a Frugal Friday Fun party...especially a virtual one. Well, of course, virtually anything goes...but I told her that I'm wearing PJ's ;)
It's just so much more fun to be funky and frugal at the same time. And if the mailman shows up...well, he'll have one more fun story to tell and much better than me sitting on the roof meditating in my nightgown like last time someone caught me having too much fun! Feeling liberated and a bit reckless is part of the charm of quilting without obligation.
Now, Frugal Finny is promising us that's she's really excited about her new stash enhancement and that "reckless abandonment" was truly happening at her house. She actually threatening is threatening to 'cut' and to 'pink slip' and to' LET GO' and without compensation! It's getting brutal out there. Economic Wake Up Calls Are Everywhere!!
I've been a "Furtive Frugal Friday Fiend" and been secretly visiting tons and tons and tons of your blogs. I've dropped a few crumbs here and there of my visits (forgetting my vow of secrecy) and been unable to resist leaving a comment or two.
I've literally visited all of my followers blog's and have also checked out a lot of my google reader ones. I'm about done in but I am SO well informed. I've watched you from behind my shades and yours...and some of you are throwing scraps away, some of you are starting new projects before you finish old ones and some one of you...oh my goodness...have been shopping!
I Know Who You Are and I Know What You've Been Doing!
This is going to be a wild and wonky, frugal friday fun for sure. What can that Finny woman be up too??? How can she be so nice and so ruthless at the same time? And Paula...she said she was joining in, but will she do it again to day? Or was one wild and wonky party with us more than she could handle? What is Paula REALLY doing today???? And Shasta! Did she or didn't she wear PJ's to work today? Did she ever truly look twice at that beloved reuseable piece of fabric ever again? Or did she betray her love for it and move on to something else?!!
I'm playing in my scrap bags today and making a potholder to begin with....and I'm not thinking twice ...I'm going to dump the scraps, pick one piece after another without thinking and settle for what I get done. I'm a child at play and I like to play in my scraps and I use making potholders as my therapy of choice! Then, if there's time I'll move on to some mending......using what I have instead of buying what I want. And finally, one more small project to begin today, and finish this weekend.
Part of frugality is saving time, part is saving money...but a huge part is saving energy...mine.
My Previous Frugal Friday Posts:
Frugal Friday
Finn-ally, Four Frugal Friday Finishes
And don't forget to check out
My links to over 2,500 Free Quilt Patterns + How to Add a Widget to them on your own blog
My goodness gracious me frugal women!
Why pay for patterns when you can have so many for free?
And the same wonderful, creative, designing women (and a few good men) are many of the same ones that created the expensive ones on the store shelves!!
PJ's sounds perfect. I "had" to go out and share the Nosegay's with my Quilt Shop friendlies and ended up with a significant stash enhancement.
Where's the frugality in that?! Guess I'm not a "team" player.
I actually made another dog pillow today: I found some knitted pieces that were going to be sleeves way back in the 80s (pink and gray variegated acrylic yarn) so I stitched them together and stuffed it for another bed. Now I have 3!!! I nominated you for the Sisterhood Award on my blog.
Well Miss-Shelly(Michelee)you're being a michief today, but such a nice one! *VBS* I have revealed my frugal Friday goodies...the serious stash enhancement is out of the bag, so to speak *G*
All my Frugal Friday string blocks are together and the backing is made. And a backing for an orphan quilt.
I posted twice to Pieces yesterday and once to the Train, so I'm being good. Spent most of the day in my jammies, cutting up the malcontents that are getting the "cut", and then got dressed and mail a box of scraps and pieces to a lovely new friend in northern AZ. She doesn't blog but she does quilts for children in need. All my "pink slip" specials went to her *VBS* Drastic, I know...LOL
I love that you are playing along with me and spreading the word which you do SOOOOOO very well. And in stealth mode yet...hmmmm?
I hope the day has brought you happiness, fulfillment and an additional sense of purpose in whatever you sewed.
I'm off to Paulas to see what she's doing! Big FF hugs, Finn
I'm just far to busy to join in on Finns Frugal Friday. I did want to let you know I put your button to the free patterns in my sidebar. I know there will be many who will appreciate them as I do. Thanks
I started seriously digging through my scrap a few years ago with a pattern called "Smokey Mountain Stars" from Quiltville...and now I am hooked on this "Frugal Friday" thing! I have a huge box of denim and flannel I will make a dog quilt with 'em...
I have about 7 or 8 assorted quilt tops sitting in my locker box--any ideas on what to do with them?
While I'm still "thinking" about quilting, it's spring here in Texas-- a very delicate season that can quickly pass into the heat of summer... so while it still is Spring here, I will take your Frugal Friday thoughts and take them out to the garden and plant the plants my neighbor gave me, maybe sow some seed packages from last year and see what comes up...move some plants around to better show them off, perhaps I'll even dig that old wood out of the garage and build the planters that I was thinking of purchasing...
No PJs to work, unfortunately, but I did manage to quilt frugally! Thanks for the push about my faux denim fabric. I have looked several times at that fabric - it is sitting on the coffee table, so everytime I walk by, I have to see it. Eventually it might get turned into a frugal grocery bag.
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