Row 1: supplies, fabric art or postcard cutting, optional quilting of fabric
Row 2: creating inchies, design options: using inchies, or quilted fabric
Row 3: art card or postcard, ideas for embellishment, serged edge postcard
Complete Tutorial here:
Making Art Fabric Postcards
All of the various creations involve the same basic techniques as in quilting. It was only natural that quilters have taken the art paper trading cards...which were similar to the scrapbooking techniques of collage and embellishment.... and created miniature quilts, which I call quiltlet's, or fabric art cards or poscards, instead. These can be as small as one is capable of making them or as large as one chooses. If you plan on mailing them, they must, however, fit into a regular, legal, manilla or priority envelope for mailing.
All techniques involve a fabric sandwich wrapped around an interior surface, only instead of the interior bieng a soft batt, it is usually a very stiff, very thin interfacing such as Timtex or Peltex. Fabric art cards or postcards have a creatively embellished front, the stiff interior and then a fabric backing. All layers can be adhered with heat 'n bond, glue sticks, aerosol adhesives or simply pinned and stitched together.
Any fabric art or post card with thickness or dimensional trims such as my beads and embroidery, can still be postmarked and mailed...usually in a protective envelope. Simple, fairly flat art or postcards, within the legal 4"x6" sizing, can be mailed...with the additonal of a cardstock backing marked and labeled 'postcard', stamped (one or two stamps depending on the weight) and mailed.
You will need:
1. Sewing supplies:
Basic: needles, threads, scissors, rulers
Optional: rotary cutter, mat, rulers
2. Fabric:
2. Fabric:
Basic: fabrics for the front and back
Optional: card stock or Peltex for backing of a more traditonal art postcard
3. Interfacing or batting:
Peltex or Trimtex for a thin, extra stiff interior for a postcard effect
Batting of your choice for a more traditional quilted effect
4. Other:
Fusible interfacing, gluesticks, aersol adhesive for attaching front to middle, middle to back
Embellishments or trims of any kind...beads, buttons, sequins, yarns, ribbons etc.
Threads, embroidery floss, or perle cotton for hand sewing or quilting
Embellishments or trims of any kind...beads, buttons, sequins, yarns, ribbons etc.
Threads, embroidery floss, or perle cotton for hand sewing or quilting
Sewing machine and sergers if machine quilting, sewing or edge finishing
Directions:Step 1. Cut front and back fabrics (cutting them 1" bigger than desired finished size.
For a final 4"x6" postcard, cut two rectangles of fabric, 5" x 7"each.
Step 2. Cut trimtex or peltex to final desired size of entire project.
Step 2. Cut trimtex or peltex to final desired size of entire project.
For a 4"x6" postcard, you cut it to that size...4" x 6"
Step 3. Place front section, right side up, over interfacing, and embellish.
Step 3. Place front section, right side up, over interfacing, and embellish.
Note: if you hand sew or embroider or add beading or trims, this creates the quilting
Step 4. Finish edges
Step 4. Finish edges
Option A: Wrap edges under and behind..hand sew down to backing
Option B: Serge or zigzag all edges together with any style or width of stitch desired
Contributions: Ami Simm's "Priority: Alzheimer's Quilts"
These are so much fun!
I need to make my fabric bigger and think of other ways of finishing, because my satin stith looks messy to me.
Thanks so much for this tutorial. I will give it a go soon.
I didn't get a chance to tell you how touched I am by the way you write so lovingly about your Mother and Dad. It must be a wrenching and difficult thing to be so far away from them at this time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and, of course, them.
Have a peaceful day
A great tutorial. Your quiltlet w/ inchies is inspired and inspiring... when it comes right down to it all we can do is pour out our hearts and faith into our work; it's our obligation, isn't it?
Community Quilter,
I have heard about these inchies before, never tried one although I do sew miniature quilts. I'll have to check out your "how to make an inchie" post. Your instructions are nice and clear, love that.
Also saw your archives go from Oct to Oct so...Happy Blog Anniversary!
I really appreciate the tutorial. Now if I can get these 15 quilts quilted this weekend, I may have time next week to play around with creating my first one! Thank you.
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