Debi of Quilting With Debi has awarded me the coveted Make Me Smile award. Thank you, Debi...in this world, anyone that can make us smile, is someone worth knowing...and trust me, Debi, is! And check out Debi's blog for a really cute cartoon that made me laugh out loud!
This Award includes a tag alone Meme, which somewhere in blogland, morphed into a MeMe and the idea became one that it was supposed to be 'all about me'. In reality, they are Memes...Shelina was one of our early bloggers who got Meme fever raised to a high pitch, last year. I played along in my Quilting Meme: The Orphan Block post, and morphed it in the process. Shelina noticed instantly, which ended up being great...as I therefore truly worked with the meme by altering it, and in the process I made a new friend... and finally learned how to create links, such as this one Quilting Meme (Revised) back to Shelina, to give her credit....where credit was due!
According to Wikipedia, a Meme refers "to a unit of cultural information transferable from one mind to another." One which somehow binds us as one in its transmission and sharing. Along the way of culturally transmitting, it often changes form or format, even original intent. It's similar to playing the old game of Gossip. One person says something and you pass it on. In the transmission...the 'passing on', it changes...totally morphs into something either slightly different, or totally different...and a new 'being' is created.
This particular Meme involves using the letters of your name to share something about yourself and and then tagging 6 other blog friends to play the game... and learn more from.... next!
So, who exactly is the real Michele, I asked myself? And what words, using the letters of my name...which only has one 'l', by the way, and not two, as many people have tried to morph me...what words, best describe me?
Here I am, and pardon any ego ;)
H= healing
My husband, provided the final 'e' and I thought it was perfect. For anyone who has ever wondered how in the world I can be a sane woman one moment and totally wonky the next....Wild and Crazy?? I am a Wonky Wonked Woman! ...that's enigmatic: mysterious, changeable and unknown ;)
Now, even deeper yet, Su B...get your shovel....who MIGHT I have been if my mother had only added that second 'l' and I had been a "Michelle' instead of a 'Michele' ? You tell me, I'd be interested to know ;)
The 6 people I am tagging.... to delve so deeply into themselves.... are all interesting and creative women.... whose blogs I never miss! Even when I return to Salem, Oregon from Douglas, Alaska and my google reader tells me I have 1,000+ posts to read and I am still trying to catch up!!!!
I tag:
Finn, Shelina, Su Bee, Mrs. Goodneedle, paula, the quilter, Tanya, atet and Lindah
I wish I could tag many, many, more! I just love you gals! Also, this Meme has already morphed ;)
Hi Michele, so glad you are home again *VBS*, altho I suspect you accomplished unmeaurable mountains of good for your parents! Always good to know the ones you love are tucked safely back in their nests *VBS*
Thank you for the Tag..meme or otherwise...LOL. I'll do my best with alllllll my names(feel free to snitch an L...*G*)
And what a gorgeous picture of you at the bottom of the post..*VBS* You and the quilts for Habitat, and the shiny floor and door. You look a bit tired around the eyes, but as always, your love and devotion shines through. Big hugs my friend! Finn(and Ebby says "tanks Michele"purr,purr..!
Thank you Michele for the honor. I will certainly do my best to come up with descriptive words and other people to tag.
Awww, thanks, Michele! Stay tuned; I, like Shelina, will attempt to do my best. You always make me smile.
I always enjoy reading your blog as it is always insightful. If I was to add an "l" word to your name, it would be "logical".
Awww, Thanks Sista-Witch!! You always make me smile!
If you were a double L'd kinda gal, you would have bleach blonde hair and be a cheerleader with nothing but pom-poms above the collar. I'm SO glad you are but a single L, for there is nothing at all unique about a double L's cheerleader!
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