Tiny things have fascinated me since early childhood. But a miniature quilt astounds me. This one titled "Miniature Log Cabin Garden' by Joan Bull had such tiny logs that my fingers couldn't get my mind to wrap around the 'how in the worlds' at all. The itty-bitty pieces were so tiny...1/4". To me 1/4" is a thread that simply gets sucked down into the feedogs...that's its sole purpose, something to say "hey wake up, we have an issue, here!"
That someone, can and with great beauty and delicacy, create a piece from such tiny pieces is amazing to me! This mini was created under their Challenge Quilt rules for the special exhibition: 1)log cabin somewhere in the quilt,2)perimeter could not equal more than 120". No mention of use by leprechauns and faeries, but I think I could have easily have placed this quilt under a cabbage leaf!
When I asked about its construction, I was told..."well, you know she didn't actually sew tiny little logs and piece them together." Well, actually, no, I didn't know that. I didn't have a clue. I have never made a miniature quilt. So, I asked about the technique and I was told...you start out (of course) with starters and then end (of course) with enders, you use (of course) an especially fine needle, and (of course) very fine thread, and (of course) you cut your logs bigger and sew them down (0f course) tinier.
After than information, I didn't ask about the minuscule paper piecing of the flowers. I was still sewing the logs in my head, the flowers would have to come later...maybe with one of those surgical headlamps and magnifier that my dentist uses...or better yet, how about a surgical robotic arm that actually does the fine, detailed precision work for you? Yes, that would work. I can picture it all, now. Me, behind glass, all suited up, delicately maneuvering the robotic arm with great precision to the 'ooohhhs and 'aaaahhs' of the quilt gallery.
Yep, I think I have finally found my calling. I absolutely adore miniature quilting. Therefore, out of necessity, I am going into miniaturized robotic arm quilting.
Does anyone know someone who teaches that?
Gorgeous work!
I can just see it now..you, in white, sterile attire, behind glass, working...working...working..LOL
What a very neat little quilt, and all the colors are so perfecly co-ordinted. Quite the mind boggler, isn't it? Sending hugs and some nice people in white coats to help you, stand still for just a second now, Finn
Such a sweet quilt...i love the colours!!! wow only 1/4!!! that is truly amazing!!!
Catching up on my reading - what an incredible little quilt! The mental picture you paint had be laughing outloud because I to me robotic arms are always large in my mind - way larger than our own arms and hands. My mind saw this giant arm trying to pick up these teensy little pieces - hysterical!
A series of thought provoking posts here that's for sure. I've been sending prayers out for Mei-Ling every day since she was born. Having recently become a grandmother for the first time I can just imagine what Patty is going through. I can't begin to imagine, however, what Melanie and Casi are having to endure.
If you've not already drawn for the VT packets please put my name in the pot.
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