First published March 31st, 2007
Blogland is a strange place, indeed. In Blogland, you break rules, talk to strangers, show pictures of your children, the rooms in your house, the things you love to do and create and talk about your aches and pains, your illnesses and whether you get along with others or not. It is a virtual reality like no other. And strangley enough, it is a place where you can be told off one moment and lovingly accepted the very next.
When I tell my friends that I have a blog, their very first question is 'what is that?' You either know or you don't. It is a place of seriousness, of absurdities, of honesty and of illusion. And I enjoy it all, tremendously :)
Today, I am reposting a close up of the babel fish quilt. Strangely enough, not one person commented that the quilt was upside down..well, it was either the fish or that person's legs. I chose the fish. The quilt had butterflies mixed in with fish...and it lacked a colorful binding that it truly needed. It was made in a matter of hours during a quiltathon out of a tableful of mixed up fabrics, as quickly as four of us could possibly make it. We finished it in three or four hours..which is pretty good. It went to survivors of Katrina, back in 2005, and I am sure, someone is lovingly sleeping under it now, which makes me feel very happy!
I chose to re-post a close-up, because today is "poisson d'avril"...the day known in France as 'April Fish'. There, a paper fish might be placed on your back to ridicule you. In Scotland, some of us will be 'hunting the gowk.' A gowk being a cuckoo bird. I have heard that in the Netherlands it is celebrated for entirely different reasons, I would love to hear about all of your various customs, it is so much fun to learn from each other!
Here, in America...it is called "April Fools", and we are all fools in many different ways. It's an awful lot of fun to laugh at one's self, and even more fun to laugh with others. Today, I place a paper fish on all of our backs, call out 'skewiff', 'cuckoooo', and 'quilt on.' We are, if I must say, a wonderful group of fools and I salute you all!
The Origin of April Fool's Day by Michele Bilyeu www.with-heart-and-hands.com
Happy April Fools day to you. I didn't know about the fish. I really like that colorful fish quilt, even upside down, and I am sure it is still brightening some family's day.
Thanks for the smile your post brought to my face this morning - what a delightful post!
Hey Pollywog dittlehopper, a happy April Fool's plus 1 ! I salute you also. Love the babeling. I've been under an attack of Blogger Pox, in which they would let me read but not comment...yours in encluded. Bad stuff that pox! Maybe someone said "and a pox on you" and that's what happened.
Anyway, I love the fishy quilt. It looks like a great quick quilt, and that if often the main thing needed. Much better than just 6" squres sewn together.
I seem to have missed your gathering of wild, wonky women...LOL, how is that going???
You can see that you are in good company, right??? *VBG* Sending big rainy day hugs, but don't let that get you wet!, Finn
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