Apr 8, 2024

Solar Eclipses

All of the mystery, magic and mayhem are all part of one another and with and through these intense world changes we are all experiencing right now.

 And with them comes incredible opportunities for elimination of the old and rebirth into the new. This rebirth is an opportunity for transformation of the you that you truly are deep inside.

It is time for all of us to understand why we have the patterns and patterning that we have, why we have made all of the choices that changed our lives, putting all of us and our planet at risk for annihilation, and why we now all get to choose again as we go into the dark of the physical, emotional and perhaps even spiritual eclipse as we expose our deepest and innermost selves to the light and if you are willing and brave and have pure intent and purpose, come out into the bright light of a new transformed day once again.

And then from 2021:
The June 10, 2021 solar eclipse will be visible will be partially visible from the United States, northern Canada, Europe, northern Asia, Russia and Greenland, according to Time and Date. You can also watch it live online with several live webcasts, and if you live in any of the areas where it's visible and it's safe to travel, you can look at it outside — just make sure to wear proper eye protection !

Solar eclipses happen when the moon passes in front of the sun, from the viewpoint of our planet.

Total solar eclipses — which are relatively rare — happen when the moon covers the entire sun; the moon's orbit is tilted with respect to the sun and doesn't always perfectly align. A "ring of fire" or annular eclipse happens when the moon is near its farthest point from Earth during an eclipse, so the moon appears smaller than the sun in the sky and doesn't block the whole solar disk.
Dated to that year:

With Heart and Hands sharing an  imaginative, magical, and healing journey from Alaska to Oregon. Creating, designing, sewing, quilting, and wildcrafting "from my heart and with my hands".

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