Oct 19, 2009

Howdy, Pardner!

Now, that I'm raising chickens, baling fabric, and walking around clucking, I'm definitely feeling a little bit country and not so much (oldies but goodies) rock 'n roll! And true to that spirit, I'm using up every single bit of scraps that come out of one already scrappy project and adding them to another.

Howdy, Pardner!" with a 'd' and not a 't' and said with a twang, combines three of my loves...scrappy quilts, cloth bags to give away, and little newborn babies. This set, ready to go to a new little preemie, with the hope that someday he'll be camping, fishing, and sitting by campfires roasting marshmallows :)

I not only took scraps from a previous quilt, but used many scrap pieces tossed aside by two other group quilters, pieced them together to make my own larger piece of fabric and made a little quilt bag.

Tuck the little quilt inside, add a little note, and lots and lots of positive thoughts...and off it goes to a brand new home and a precious new life.

And Finn that's one more comfort quilt done and ready to check off of my donation list!
Finn's New Years Eve Challenge 2009


Scrappy quilter said...

Woo hoo I love that it goes to charity. Just blesses the socks right off of me. Love reading your posts Michelle. Hugs..

Finn said...

Well, dang me pardner...I'll just toss a rope on that one and pull it home..lickity split!
Super job on wrangling up another quilt in the Frugal Friday Style!
Hugs, Finn

Uniquely Yours Creations said...

The little cowboy fabric is so cute!
Love black and white in there -
really sets off the colors.
Love it!

Nancy Sue said...

Don't forget to add "Keeper of the Coop" to your list. Hmmm sounds like a name for a quilt!!

dee said...

Thanks for the tips re the computer. There's a gremlin in here somewhere.

This little quilt is adorable and will be loved by its new owner. You really are so sweet.

Paula, the quilter said...

Thank you, dear friend, for stopping by my blog and commenting on the giveaway post. Right back at 'cha.

Shelina said...

That's really pretty. Love the black and white fabric.