Shanghai Daily News: Man Paralyzed When Hit by Falling Quilt
By Gu Jia 2007-5-22
A man living in Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong Province was knocked into a coma by a falling quilt last month, and is now suffering from hemiplegia from a neck injury, a local newspaper reported today. The man's family is hoping the owner of the quilt may offer some compensation to cover medical bills because they can no longer afford further treatment after spending 100,000 yuan (US$13,055), the Daily Sunshine newspaper said.
The victim, surnamed He, was on his way home from work at 4:30pm on April 15, when he was hit by a quilt which fell from a four-story residential building.The owner of the quilt is unknown at this stage.He was rushed to a nearby clinic by a friend and transferred to a hospital but when he woke up, he found he had difficulty in moving legs."Doctors said there is hope for my husband to be able to stand up again if we continue treatment," said He's wife. "But we have no income because I had to quit my job to take care of him around the clock.""We cannot afford further debt as it now amounts to 100,000 yuan," his wife told the newspaper.
The building is on Daping Road of Buji area in central Shenzhen. Apartments in it have been leased out and no resident has come forward to claim the quilt. He's wife told the newspaper that "though we didn't keep the quilt as a clue, we have narrowed down the identity of its owner after visiting the building several times.""We will ask for help from local police if the person doesn't show up in the next few days," she said.
* Life is sometimes stranger than fiction. What makes us laugh one moment, can make us cry the very next! Assuming this story is, indeed, true....say a prayer for this man and his family!
For Chinese Coins quilting information: HeartStrings Quilt Project: Chinese Coins
I never associated with that block with a weapon.
Hmmm . . . I've always known that block as The Milky Way. When it's set together there are stars spread all over the quilt. I've alwas seen a quilt with colums of short rectangles pieced together on the long side, and then sashing in between the columns, called Chinese coins. Very interesting that McCalls calls this block Chinese Coins. It does look strangely like that weapon, doesn't it.
That must have been one very heavy quilt. Or someone is trying to pull a fast one.
I have read this story elsewhere and wonder if the word "quilt" is mis-translated somehow. I'm trying to think of what else the word could possibly stand for... "bed"? maybe even a rolled up sleeping bag? I've been perplexed by this one and am curious how a quilt (as I think of one) could inflict this type of injury.
Confused here!!! how could a quilt inflict injury??? odd lol
Mrs. Goodneedle inspired me, further! I bet it is a mis-translation from the Shanghai newspaper. If you read Tanya's blog from Japan,they hang futon mattresses from balconies to air. Assuming that something similar might be used in China, it could have been a variation of a mattress and not a 'quilt' as we know it!
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