Monday was our regular community quilting day. I was able to join our little group ad to sew from 9 am to 5 pm inspite of a little ice and fairly constant, but not sticking snow! It added to the excitement to have the crispness of the air and the possibility of a snowy drive back home, again. Freqent trips out to my car for additonal sewing supplies only added to the excitement of fluffy snowflakes on my face. They disappeared quickly but were delightful to experience, even for a bit.
Today, we brought down all of our quilts from our storage area. We had sent 13 quilts off with a group heading to Mississippi just two weeks ago and we still managed to get another 16 ready to go for this next week! Keeping in mind that there are less than a dozen of us who regularly show up..it is pretty amazing! We quilt in a church so one cannot help but think in religious symbology. So loaves and fishes it was...it's like quilts just grow in abundance on their own. Suddenly, this quilter shows up with some she worked on at home. Another, finally got her binding on..whatever, they just keep adding up.
It's such fun and so exciting to have our stacks grow and grow and grow and then suddenly...we send them all of packed up in various suitcases and dufflebags for either Louisiana or Mississippi. The church groups then either donate them through other churches, or those on the trip hand deliver them. We also piled up our patriotic ones and made a call to the local National Guard for pick up and found we had 9 ready to go and two more in the works.
If I hadn't done so much frog stitching (riiip ittttt) today, I would have had mine done, but alas I was learning from my mistakes today. We break for the winter holidays, then start up again after the New Year...so new labels need to be created for 2007! Community quilting once a week is just enough to make new friends and hold on to 'old' ones and it is just plain satisfying to work with others for a common good! I just love it, love it, love it all!
Watching the stack of items in charity work grow is very fulfilling. I used to be the chairperson of our guild's charity quilt program and I still donate quilts.
What an incredible project.
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